eShop Logistic | Logistics and shipping for your ecommerce

Strategic Partnership USA – ITALY :: Partnership Strategica USA – ITALIA


It is with great pride that we announce an important transoceanic partnership between the United States and Italy with the aim of developing B2C, B2B and omnichannel e-commerce logistics services.

In fact, in March 2024 an agreement was signed between and , primary logistics and supply chain players in their respective markets. is an American company based in US and specialized in consultancy services and research of logistics structures in the USA.

It features a network of pre-vetted, qualified fulfillment centers, with the mission to help 3PLs and businesses grow with better fulfillment partnerships that are built to last.

Whether brands sell online, in-store, retail, or B2B, their fulfillment centers have the tech, knowledge, and support to make sure items are shipped on time, every time.

Thanks to their efficient IT Sysems, DBs, it is possible to search through boutique fulfillment centers specializing in niches like Apparel, Nutraceuticals, Beauty, Home, and more. Whatever merchants sell, they have fulfillment centers to help you ship it.

Thanks to a network of 600+ verified 3PL Companies, 2,500+ warehouse locations, is leader in Supply Chain Consulting.

eShop Logistic S.r.l. is happy to be part of this network and act as a reference for e-commerce logistics in Italy.

With over 30 years of experience, ESL is a leader in the fulfillment sector in Italy, providing inbound, storage, pick & pack, outbound, order management, returns management, international shipping, e-commerce and B2B services, and value-added services. For more information visit

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È con grande orgoglio che annunciamo un’importante partnership transoceanica tra Stati Uniti e Italia con l’obiettivo di sviluppare servizi logistici di e-commerce B2C, B2B ed omnicanale.

Nel marzo 2024, infatti, è stato siglato un accordo tra  e , primari attori della logistica e della supply chain nei rispettivi mercati.  è una società americana con sede negli Stati Uniti e specializzata in servizi di consulenza e ricerca di strutture logistiche negli USA.

È dotato di una rete di centri logistici 3PL qualificati e pre-controllati, con la missione di aiutare i 3PL e le aziende a crescere con partnership di evasione ordini migliori e costruite per durare.

Che i brand vendano online, in negozio, al dettaglio o B2B, i loro centri logistici dispongono della tecnologia, delle conoscenze e del supporto per garantire che gli articoli vengano spediti in tempo, ogni volta.

Grazie ai loro efficienti sistemi IT, DB, è possibile effettuare ricerche nei centri di evasione ordini boutique specializzati in nicchie come abbigliamento, nutraceutici, bellezza, casa e altro ancora. Qualunque cosa vendano i commercianti, dispongono di centri logistici per aiutarti a spedirlo.

Grazie a una rete di oltre 600 aziende 3PL verificate e oltre 2.500 sedi di magazzino,  è leader nella consulenza sulla catena di fornitura.

eShop Logistica S.r.l. è felice di far parte di questa rete e porsi come riferimento per la logistica dell’e-commerce in Italia.

Con oltre 30 anni di esperienza, ESL è leader nel settore dell’adempimento in Italia, fornendo servizi di inbound, stoccaggio, pick & pack, outbound, gestione degli ordini, gestione dei resi, spedizioni internazionali, servizi di e-commerce e B2B e servizi a valore aggiunto. . Per ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito

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International Logistic Network

Ubicazioni & Network

Siamo posizionati in Italia con ubicazioni strategiche nel Nord (Zona Milano) e Centro Italia (Zona Roma) in modo da poter coprire i due maggiori centri urbani italiani con soluzioni veloci ed efficienti.

Grazie alla nostra esperienza e vocazione internazionale, vantiamo un Network mondiale in grado di offrire soluzioni flessibili, economiche e scalabili.

Possiamo offrire una unica soluzione di integrazione informatica in ogni parte del mondo dove siamo presenti con le nostre strutture grazie ai nostri sistemi WMS, TMS, CRM di primaria importanza.

Servizi di Logistica, Fulfillment, Stoccaggio, Trasporto, Spedizioni vengono forniti in ogni nazione coperta con la stessa efficienza, flessibilita’ e professionalita’, con la massima attenzione a sostenibilita’, automazione ed innovazione.

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We are positioned in Italy with strategic locations in the North (Milan area) and Central Italy (Rome area) in order to be able to cover the two largest Italian urban centers with fast and efficient solutions.

Thanks to our experience and international vocation, we boast a global network capable of offering flexible, economical and scalable solutions.

We can offer a single IT integration solution in every part of the world where we are present with our structures thanks to our primary WMS, TMS, CRM systems.

Logistics, Fulfillment, Storage, Transport and Shipping services are provided in every country covered with the same efficiency, flexibility and professionalism, with the utmost attention to sustainability, automation and innovation.

eShop Logistic in TV

Eshop Logistic in TV nella Puntata # 197 di Business24.

Per maggiori info visitare il seguente link dal minuto 11:25.

eShop Logistic logistica ecommerce, logistica retail, logistica omnichannel, magazzinaggio, stoccaggio, spedizioni, trasporti, gestione resi, servizi a valore aggiunto, logistica italia. Ecommerce logistic, retail logistic, omnichannel logistic, warehousing, storage, shipments, transportation, return management, returns management, logistic italy, value added services.

Per maggiori info:

Logistics and Sustainability

Ecological sustainability

eShop Logistic S.r.l. (“ESL”) strongly believes that logistics should conduct its business in the most sustainable way possible. In fact, our company logo is represented by a bee.

Which is close to our values of respect and synchronization with nature.

Our goal is to be at:

Zero Carbon Impact by 2026.

We pay utmost importance in waste and waste material management, packaging consumption, devising and implementing sustainable solutions, give utmost importance to the use of renewable energy, and use innovation and technology to carry out our logistics, fulfillment and transportation activities with utmost respect for our Planet, its future and the future of our children.

To cooperate with a Sustainable Logistic Italy contact us!

With the impact of climate change on our environment, ecommerce and retail businesses are increasingly under pressure to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices.

Especially in supply chain management, logistics and shipping, the transportation and storage of goods can have a significant impact on the environment. To reduce these impacts, businesses should take a holistic approach and consider every aspect of their operations and supply chain. Below are some strategies that can help ecommerce, omnichannel and retail businesses reduce their carbon footprint and work towards sustainability in these areas.
B2C and B2B freight transportation is a significant contributor to carbon emissions, especially road transportation. The high volume of vehicles on the road, combined with long distances and heavy loads, results in a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

However, to reduce emissions, businesses can optimize transportation by choosing the most fuel-efficient modes of transportation, such as rail, and consolidating shipments to reduce the number of vehicles on the road. Additionally, using GPS and route optimization software, companies can determine the most efficient routes, avoid empty runs, and generally make shippers more efficient through digitalization. Using fuel-efficient vehicles can also help a transportation company reduce its environmental impact. Companies can invest in newer, more fuel-efficient trucks or retrofit older vehicles with aerodynamic features, low-rolling-resistance tires, and other fuel-saving technologies.
To monitor progress and identify areas for improvement, e-commerce, retail, wholesale, and omnichannel companies should monitor and reduce their carbon footprint. This includes measuring carbon emissions throughout the supply chain and identifying opportunities to reduce emissions, such as improving energy efficiency, shortening transportation distances, or using renewable energy sources.
Environmental impacts can also be reduced by using renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power. Installing solar panels on the roof of a company’s warehouse or office can help generate electricity for electric truck charging stations. Fuels such as electricity or even bio-natural gas (CNG) and bio-liquefied natural gas (LNG) have lower carbon emissions and other pollutants than traditional diesel.

The production of packaging and other materials can generate significant amounts of waste that may not be recyclable or biodegradable. This waste can have a significant impact on the environment, including pollution and depletion of natural resources.
Packaging is therefore another major source of waste and environmental impact in supply chain management, logistics and freight shipping. Companies can reduce packaging waste by using recyclable or biodegradable materials and optimizing packaging design to reduce the amount of material needed so that the packaging is more efficient and lightweight.
To truly reduce environmental impact, companies must also promote sustainability throughout the supply chain. Trucking companies can partner with suppliers that emphasize sustainability, such as those that use renewable energy, reduce waste, select environmentally friendly products and materials and generally prioritize environmental management. This can help reduce the environmental impact of the entire supply chain.
The construction of warehouses, distribution centers, logistics warehouses and other facilities can have a significant impact on land use. In areas where land is scarce, building such facilities can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and other environmental problems.
Warehouses can be a significant source of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce these impacts, companies can adopt environmentally friendly storage practices, such as energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems; optimized warehouse layouts to reduce transportation distances; and the use of renewable energy sources such as solar panels.
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For more information:

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Azioni Inbound Logistica eCommerce (no RFI)

Le merci e-commerce vengono preavvisate possibilmente tramite sistemi informatici e collegamenti informatici API tra il merchant e la Logistica e-commerce (b2c).

Lo scarico delle merci e-commerce deve essere inoltre prenotato tramite apposito portale nel sito del fornitore di logistica ecommerce B2C.

Quando le merci arrivano presso il 3PL ecommerce, devono essere scaricate (bancali, colli), viene effettuato il controllo dei documenti e se richiesto viene effettuata la conta delle unità con possibile controllo qualità.

Ogni articolo o unità di vendita viene scannerizzato e posizionato nell’ubicazione finale di picking.

Possono essere eseguiti vari servizi a VAS (Valore Aggiunto) per etichettatura, report fotografico, imbustamento, imballaggio, kitting, ecc.

L’operatore di logistica online registrerà a sistema eventuali matricole, scadenze, lotti.

eShop Logistic logistica ecommerce, logistica retail, logistica omnichannel, magazzinaggio, stoccaggio, spedizioni, trasporti, gestione resi, servizi a valore aggiunto, logistica italia. Ecommerce logistic, retail logistic, omnichannel logistic, warehousing, storage, shipments, transportation, return management, returns management, logistic italy, value added services.