eShop Logistic | Logistics and shipping for your ecommerce

eShop Logistic: il partner 3PL ideale di Logistica e Trasporti

eShop Logistic: il partner 3PL ideale di Logistica e-commerce in italia, Logistica B2B e Trasporti

Fondata da 5 imprenditori leader in soluzioni logistiche innovative, con 30 anni di (ESL) è il partner ideale per progetti di Fulfillment, Supply Chain e Trasporti in Italia ed a livello internazionale.

Grazie alle proprie sedi a Milano, Roma e Network Mondiale con +30 siti, ESL offre soluzioni di logistica eCommerce B2C (D2C), logistica B2Blogistica Retaillogistica Wholesale e logistica per Marketplace, e gestisce dai progetti più piccoli e semplici, che richiedono partner logistici flessibili per crescere, ai progetti più grandi e complessi dove KPI, gestione dei picchi ed internazionalizzazione sono fattori fondamentali.

Gestione di progetti logistici Omnichannel di alta qualità e su misura, si aggiungono a processi standard:


  • Inbound: scarico merci, controlli qualità, quantità
  • Stoccaggio: bancale, scaffale, capi appesi
  • Picking e gestione degli ordini
  • Packing e fornitura di imballaggi
  • Gestione dei resi – reverse logistic: controlli qualità, quantità, servizi a valore aggiunto
  • VAS: etichettatura, registrazione lotti, scadenze, personalizzazione, kit, ecc.
  • Spedizioni: FTL, LTL, espresse, postali, contrassegni (COD), cross-docking, drop-shipping.

Sistemi IT evoluti in cloud (WMS, TMS, CRM) danno possibilità di estrapolare dati e statistiche in tempo reale.

Industrie Servite: Moda, Luxury, Cosmetica, Healthcare e prodotti dietetici, Tech, Merchandising, Alimentari secchi, ecc.

Siete un’azienda estera e cercate una logistica ecommerce in Italia?

Siete un’azienda sul territorio nazionale e cercate una logistica e-commerce a Parma, una logistica ecommerce a Milano, una logistica ecommerce a Torino, o comunque sul territorio nazionale?

Siete una realtà del settore vendite online e siete alla ricerca di una azienda specializzata nella logistica dei resi in Italia?

eShop Logistic Srl – E’ la soluzione giusta per voi!

Logistics for eCommerce: A Complete Guide

What is logistics for eCommerce?

Logistics for eCommerce encompasses all the activities and services required to handle an order, from the handling of goods in the warehouse to the preparation and shipment of products via express courier, with the goal of ensuring customer satisfaction.


From the time of order to shipment

The process begins with the customer’s order, which, once placed and paid for, kicks off the logistics phase. This phase includes managing the warehouse, preparing packages, choosing a courier, and assisting the customer with any delivery problems.


The Role of Third Party Logistics (3PL).

3PL companies go beyond simple package preparation, offering a range of integrated logistics services. Efficient eCommerce logistics requires that all phases, from stock management to shipment organization, be well coordinated.


Main phases of logistics for eCommerce

  • Warehouse management: Includes goods handling, quality control and storage.
  • Order management: Includes order receipt, customer contact and confirmation.
  • Customer care and service: Provides ongoing customer support.
  • Shipping: Represents the final contact with the customer through the courier company.

The importance of synchronization

To ensure fast shipments and satisfied customers, all aspects of logistics must be synchronized. A well-organized warehouse is essential to prepare packages efficiently. Integration of computer systems is also crucial to avoid errors in addressing and order processing.

The steps in detail

  • Warehouse management: Involves check-in and storage of goods.
  • Parcel picking and preparation: Orders are picked and prepared for shipment.
  • Courier selection: The parcel is assigned to the most suitable courier company.
  • Order tracking and management: Includes tracking of shipments and management of inventory and claims.
  • Returns organization: Returns are managed and stock updated in real time.

Integration of physical and digital management

The digital aspect is crucial for the management of orders, customer relations, and shipments. A management system integrated with the online shop helps optimize the entire logistics process, from administration to the physical movement of goods.

Benefits of a 3PL

Relying on a 3PL offers significant advantages in terms of time, space and money. Outsourcing logistics allows complex tasks to be delegated to specialized personnel, reducing costs and improving operational efficiency.

Growth strategy through outsourcing

Outsourcing logistics allows you to cut costs associated with shipping and warehouse rent, benefiting from the economies of scale offered by 3PLs. This approach makes it possible to share goals and strategies with an experienced partner, fostering company growth.


Benchmark data on eCommerce in Italy.

Italian eCommerce is growing strongly, as confirmed by SAP’s 2019 report. B2C reached 35.65 billion euros, a 30 percent increase over 2018. Although only one in seven companies sells online, the potential for growth is huge, especially in the electronics, food and beverage, personal care, and apparel sectors.


Logistics challenges for Italian eCommerce

Logistics is a crucial aspect of eCommerce success. Online customers expect fast and reliable deliveries, flexible pickup options, and efficient tracking service. The challenge is to maintain a well-organized distribution system that keeps up with the needs of modern consumers.


Comparison of eCommerce logistics and traditional logistics

eCommerce logistics differs from traditional logistics in the need for speed and accuracy in delivery. Customizing shipments and managing demand fluctuations require a well-stocked and organized warehouse with an efficient picking system and advanced digital tools.

Key elements of logistics for eCommerce

  • Warehouse management: Organization and optimization of space.
  • Receiving goods: Checking and recording incoming goods.
  • Post checkout picking: Picking and preparation of orders.
  • Shipping: Delivery optimization and courier management.
  • Shipment tracking: Real-time tracking of packages.
  • Returns management: Efficiency in returns management.
  • Customer care: Continuous customer support.
  • Customer satisfaction: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Customer evaluation: Collection of user feedback and data.



Relying on a fulfillment company can simplify logistics management, allowing you to focus resources on your core business. In addition, dropshipping is an option for selling online without direct stock management.

In summary, efficient logistics is critical to eCommerce success. Integrating physical and digital management, along with working with experienced partners, can make all the difference in customer satisfaction and business growth.

Outsource your logistics to professionals and optimize your eCommerce operations today! Contact us to find out how we can support your business with customized and innovative solutions. Don’t let logistics management slow down your growth: request a free consultation and start turning your eCommerce into an even greater success!

Ecommerce Logistics, Ecommerce Logistics, Ecommerce Logistic Italy, E-commerce Logistic Italy

A very important part of evaluating the quality of the e-commerce logistics order preparation process is to determine which key performance indicators (KPIs) are most valuable in an e-commerce or retail or full outsourcing activity.

Once you recognize and understand the most important parameters for an online, retail or omnichannel sales activity, you can compare current performance and monitor improvements and progress towards your targets and goals.

Although the formulas used to calculate and evaluate KPIs may seem simple, it is useful to explain them so you can understand which is applicable to your specific business situation. Below, we report some important formulas for the KPIs of the Italian and global supply chain and order fulfillment.

Key formulas of the ecommerce Supply Chain

Perfect order rate

The percentage of perfect orders verifies the % of orders shipped on time, complete, without damage, without errors and with correct and suitable documentation. We are talking about a measure to evaluate whether or not a retail e-commerce order fulfillment service involves an order fulfillment operation that satisfies the expectations of the retail or end customer or not.

Formula: % orders on time X % orders shipped complete X % orders shipped without damage X % orders with suitable and correct documentation

On-time shipping rate

Punctual B2B e-commerce shipping verifies and calculates the % of orders shipped on time by the Italian and foreign logistics system and service. Like perfect order rate, on-time shipping rate is a critical KPI considered to monitor whether or not an operation meets end customer expectations in both e-commerce and omnichannel retail.

Formula: number of orders shipped on time / number of orders shipped

Order fulfillment rate

The order fulfillment rate reflects the % of orders fulfilled at 100% compared to the total number of orders fulfilled. It can be considered as a general indicator of the accuracy and efficiency of a logistics service.

Formula: total orders executed upon customer request / total orders executed

Like order fulfillment rate above, line item fulfillment rate is another way an operation can measure its overall efficiency and identify room for improvement. Reflects the ratio of 100% filled order lines to the total number of lines.

Formula: total completed order lines/total processed order lines

Orders taken per hour

Orders collected per hour is a metric that measures order fulfillment and shipping productivity in lines per person per hour. This is a profit benchmark that allows an operation to compare its performance with that of others in the industry. It should include all functions within the operation and total hours worked across shifts.

Formula: total orders successfully collected and shipped / total hours worked in picking and shipping

Order lines picked and shipped per hour

Picked and shipped lines per hour measures the productivity of e-commerce pick and ship operations in lines per person per hour. By determining the total lines processed during your operation, you can get an accurate representation of your operational efficiency.

Formula: total order lines successfully picked and shipped / total hours worked on picking and shipping

Inventory accuracy

Inventory accuracy, as the name indicates, is used to calculate the accuracy of your inventory management process. It works by counting the items in stock and comparing that number to what is recorded in your database. Benchmarking and monitoring inventory accuracy can help ensure your accounting and data management practices are in order.

Formula: Number of items counted

Space utilization rate in warehousing and logistics services

Your storage space utilization rate reflects how efficiently you use the amount of available space in your ecommerce warehouse or fulfillment center. Operations with less than optimal stock utilization can take advantage of a number of options to recover lost warehouse space (pallet, shelf, hanging item storage).

Formula:  cubic meters of inventory / total cubic meters of e-commerce warehouse and B2B retail warehouse.

You are likely to find that the logistics warehouse utilization rate is low. This is because sufficient space must be maintained around the inventory to allow for the operation and movement of machinery and personnel.

Days of inventory supply

Inventory days supply measures the amount of inventory available within the logistics business to cover a number of days of expected usage. For most operations, a lower GFI is ideal, but should only be measured within the scope of the operation’s content. It can vary widely across industries, product lines, business models, and even warehouse strategies. For example, consider logistics services for fashion, logistics services for fashion, logistics services for cosmetics, logistics services for beauty products and perfumes, logistics services for dry food products, logistics services for health products, and sports. Food supplements, dietary products, logistics services for sporting goods, logistics services for footwear.

Formula: Value of Finished Goods Inventory on Hand / Total Annual GFI (Cost of Goods Sold) / 365

Total order cycle time

Total order cycle time, also known as inventory cycle time, reflects the average time between the customer placing an order and shipping the order, whether this is an ecommerce order or a retail order. Because the speed and efficiency with which orders move through the fulfillment process impacts profitability and customer service, tracking and improving total order cycle time is critical for most fulfillment logistics companies. orders.

Formula: temporal order received from the customer – temporal order placed / total number of orders shipped

Internal order cycle time reflects the average time it takes from the time the customer’s ecommerce or retail order is released into the warehouse for processing and from the time the order is shipped. It is a key reflection of all aspects of order fulfillment that a fulfillment center has control over.

Formula: order time shipped – order time received / number of orders shipped

Bottom line

Once key performance indicators have been compared, it is possible to monitor performance over time and identify which areas of Italian and foreign logistics activity and operations could benefit from greater attention. Once you know which component of your logistics business you want to optimize, a trusted third-party logistics (3PL) provider can help ecommerce, omnichannel, retail, wholesale, full outsourcing companies consider options, whether that includes changes to internal workflows, the implementation of automation technologies, or something else.

If a customer has difficulty setting KPIs and could certainly use a 3PL or 4PL to outsource their Italian e-commerce logistics, Italian e-commerce logistics, Italian and foreign logistics services. A brand or company can also make use of a logistics site to outsource specific value-added services: see for example the list of VAS services, the numerous companies with which we collaborate and our network to guarantee excellent logistical support. Send us a note to see how eshop logistics srl can help a company grow.

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Work with us

Do you want to work with us? Do you want to be part of our Team?

The new ecommerce logistics portal eShop Logistic Srl on Linkedin has been active for a few weeks now.

This social is increasingly important in the business world and for job search.

For users and visitors who would like to send their applications to ESL, we recommend that they access our Linkedin page and send their Curriculum Vitae via message through this social.

One of our HR managers will review your application and in case of interest and alignment with currently open applications, will contact you to schedule an initial interview.

Alternatively, send contact request through the specific form.

As a reminder, eShop Logistic Srl is a company specializing in integrated Logistics and Supply Chain services (visit links for more technical information on these activities – Wikipedia) ranging from e-commerce Fulfilment services to B2B and omnichannel services.

The company relies on more than 30 years of experience in the Logistics, Shipping and Value Added Services (VAS) industry domestically and internationally.

Its members, in fact, come from prominent logistics and warehouse staffing backgrounds, bringing their package of operational, commercial, and business experience to the table.

Our Italian and international logistics services include numerous operational services. Below we list some of them:

Inbound services – receiving goods: unloading trucks, unloading containers, unloading groupage vehicles, unloading pallets, unloading packages, unloading hanging items.

Quantity control and quality control. Labeling and kitting services, value added services on demand, put-a-way. Possibility of specific photographic services for goods inspection.

Warehousing and storage services for goods: storage of goods on shelves typical for the eCommerce sector, storage on pallet structures, storage of hanging items and rental of dedicated operational areas.
Order preparation and management services: item picking, picking, packing, specific packaging actions, supply of packaging material, packaging and filling material with the utmost attention to sustainability. Specific value-added services, gift packages, Christmas packages, greeting cards, messaging and much more.

Our logistics provides services for both the eCommerce, retail, wholesale, omnichannel and metaverse sectors (see Wikipedia).

We offer tailor-made manual logistics services, but also automated ones with the use of structures managed by AI (see Wikipedia page) and robots or cobots (See Wikipedia).

Transport and shipping services: full load shipments and transport, FTL, partial loads, LTL, Groupage, package and envelope shipments, express shipments, shipments with consolidated postal and semi-postal systems. We offer cross docking, drop shipping solutions. Our services are specific for B2C and B2B ecommerce. We offer tailor-made transport solutions with value-added services such as same day delivery, white glove shipments, cash on delivery shipments (COD – Cash on Delivery), solutions with insurance, urgent shipping services and integrated returns. Our services are carried out in collaboration with the most important transporters and couriers but also with specific local services.

Returns management services: for the e-Commerce and retail sectors, we offer specific solutions for returns management: unloading goods, receiving, returned quality control, returned quantity control, restoration, relabelling, packaging replacement, cleaning, stain removal, ironing, steaming and many other services on request (VAS).

Tailor-made logistics solutions: we offer fulfillment services by taking advantage of our existing structures, but also by proposing ex novo “Greenfield” or “Brownfield” solutions or identifying new areas and warehouses or those to be built, setting up new operational services, installing our IT systems and any automations. Furthermore, we can offer logistics outsourcing solutions: that is, we can enter our customers’ warehouses, hiring staff, setting up IT systems and automation. We also offer Marketplace logistics solutions.

We are highly computerized: thanks to our e-commerce and B2B IT systems for the management of operational activities, we use WMS, TMS, CRM cloud systems (see Wikipedia). We are available to use the IT systems of our partners and customers. Thanks to our experience and flexibility we avoid unsustainable set up costs, since our systems are advanced and do not need months of programming before being ready! This guarantees safety and professionalism.

Insurance: we offer supply chain and logistics services eCommerce Italy, e-commerce logistics Italy, e-commerce logistics Italy, eCommerce Logistics Italy, fulfillment in Europe, eCommerce shipments with or without insurance.

International Network: we are part of an international network capable of covering numerous areas of the world and helping our customers to internationalize and expand their services abroad. We offer the possibility of using a single IT Backbone and thanks to our international intervention group, we bring our experience anywhere in the world.

Sustainable logistics: we offer super professional solutions in compliance with economic sustainability (competitive prices), without proposing significant logistics management costs, warehouse set up costs, project manager costs or investment costs (CAPEX) or operating costs (OPEX): we are willing to invest in collaboration with our customers and partners. Care for sustainability is also care for the environment, therefore we pay the utmost attention to consumption, type of energy used, packaging and filling materials, waste and disposal management, smart working activities, etc.

Various: we support our customers and partners by providing assistance and consultancy thanks to our pool of Key Accounts and Project Managers and by providing a Control Panel (Customer Area) which allows maximum visibility and transparency of the operational processes and services managed by us. We study each project using our Solution Designers and Logistic Engineers.

Managed industries: we offer Italian and foreign logistics for various industries, such as: Consumer Products (Fashion Logistics, Fashion Logistics, Cosmetic Logistics, Dietary Products Logistics, Food Supplements Logistics, Luxury Logistics, Sports Goods Logistics, Footwear Logistics, Accessories Logistics, Sports Equipment Logistics , Jewelery and small parts logistics, etc.), Tech (IT items logistics, IT accessories logistics, hardware logistics, etc.), Healthcare and Dry food (without requests for controlled or refrigerated temperatures).

Areas: eShop Logistics B2B and B2C logistics services offers services in Italy, Europe, USA and the world.

Especially in Italy:

E-commerce logistics Milan;

E-commerce logistics Rome;

Parma e-commerce logistics;

E-commerce logistics Verona;

Turin e-commerce logistics;

E-commerce logistics Bologna;

E-commerce logistics Florence;

Bari e-commerce logistics;

E-commerce logistics Naples;

E-commerce logistics Milan;

E-commerce logistics Rome;

Parma e-commerce logistics;

Verona e-commerce logistics;

Turin e-commerce logistics;

E-commerce logistics Bologna;

E-commerce logistics Florence;

Bari e-commerce logistics;

Naples e-commerce logistics;

B2B logistics Milan;

Industrial logistics Milan;

B2B logistics Rome;

B2B logistics Parma;

B2B logistics Verona;

B2B logistics Turin;

B2B logistics Bologna;

B2B logistics Florence;


The new e-commerce logistics portal eShop Logistic Srl has been active for a few weeks on Linkedin.

This social network is increasingly important in the business world and for job searches.
For users and visitors who wish to send their applications to ESL, we recommend accessing our page Linkedin and sending their Curriculum Vitae via message via this social network.

One of our HR managers will analyze your application and, in case of interest and alignment with the currently open applications, will contact you to arrange an initial interview.
Alternatively, send a contact request via the specific form.

We remind you that eShop Logistic Srl is a company specialized in integrated Logistics and Supply Chain services (visit the links for more technical information on these activities – Wikipedia) ranging from e-commerce Fulfillment services to B2B and omnichannel services.
The company relies on over 30 years of experience in the logistics, shipping and value-added services (VAS) sector on the national and international territory.

Its members, in fact, come from important logistics and warehouse staff management companies, making their package of operational, commercial and entrepreneurial experience available.

Our Italian and international logistics services include numerous operational services. Below we list some of them:
• Inbound services – receiving goods: unloading trucks, unloading containers, unloading groupage vehicles, unloading pallets, unloading packages, unloading hanging items.
Quantity control and quality control. Labeling and kitting services, value added services on demand, put-a-way. Possibility of specific photographic services for goods control.

• Warehousing and storage services for goods: storage of goods on shelves typical for the eCommerce sector, storage on pallet structures, storage of hanging items and rental of dedicated operational areas.

• Order preparation and management services: item picking, picking, packing, specific packaging actions, supply of packaging material, packaging and filling material with the utmost attention to sustainability. Specific value-added services, gift packages, Christmas packages, greeting cards, messaging and much more.

Our logistics provides services for both the eCommerce, retail, wholesale, omnichannel and metaverse sectors (see Wikipedia).
We offer tailor-made manual logistics services, but also automated ones with the use of structures managed by AI (see Wikipedia page) and robots or cobots (See Wikipedia).

• Transport and shipping services: full load shipments and transport, FTL, partial loads, LTL, Groupage, package and envelope shipments, express shipments, shipments with consolidated postal and semi-postal systems. We offer cross docking, drop shipping solutions. Our services are specific for B2C and B2B ecommerce. We offer tailor-made transport solutions with value-added services such as same day delivery, white glove shipments, COD – Cash on Delivery shipments, solutions with insurance, urgent shipping services and integrated returns. Our services are carried out in collaboration with the most important transporters and couriers but also with specific local services.

• Returns management services: for the e-Commerce and retail sectors, we offer specific solutions for returns management: unloading of goods, reception, quality control of returns, quantity control of returns, restoration, relabelling, packaging replacement, cleaning, stain removal, ironing, vaporization and many other services on request (VAS).

• Tailor-made logistics solutions: we offer fulfillment services by taking advantage of our existing structures, but also by proposing ex novo “Greenfield” or “Brownfield” solutions, i.e. identifying new areas and warehouses or those to be built, setting up new operational services, installing our IT systems and any automations. Furthermore, we can offer logistics outsourcing solutions: that is, we can enter our customers’ warehouses, hiring staff, setting up IT systems and automation. We also offer Marketplace logistics solutions.

• We are highly computerized: thanks to our e-commerce and B2B IT systems for the management of operational activities, we use WMS, TMS, CRM cloud systems (see Wikipedia). We are available to use the IT systems of our partners and customers. Thanks to our experience and flexibility we avoid unsustainable set up costs, since our systems are advanced and do not need months of programming before being ready! This guarantees safety and professionalism

• Insurance: we offer supply chain and logistics services eCommerce Italy, e-commerce logistics Italy, e-commerce logistics Italy, eCommerce Logistics Italy, fulfillment in Europe, eCommerce shipments with or without insurance.

• International Network: we are part of an international network capable of covering numerous areas of the world and helping our customers to internationalize and expand their services abroad. We offer the possibility of using a single IT Backbone and thanks to our international intervention group, we bring our experience anywhere in the world.

• Sustainable logistics: we offer super professional solutions in compliance with economic sustainability (competitive prices), without proposing significant logistics management costs, warehouse set up costs, project manager costs or investment costs (CAPEX) or operating costs (OPEX) : we are willing to invest in collaboration with our customers and partners. Care for sustainability is also care for the environment, therefore we pay the utmost attention to consumption, type of energy used, packaging and filling materials, waste and disposal management, smart working activities, etc.

• Various: we support our customers and partners by providing assistance and consultancy thanks to our pool of Key Accounts and Project Managers and by providing a Control Panel (Customer Area) which allows maximum visibility and transparency of the operational processes and services managed by us . We study each project using our Solution Designers and Logistic Engineers.

• Managed industries: we offer Italian and foreign logistics for various industries, such as: Consumer Products (Fashion Logistics, Fashion Logistics, Cosmetic Logistics, Dietary Products Logistics, Food Supplements Logistics, Luxury Logistics, Sports Goods Logistics, Footwear Logistics, Accessories Logistics, Material Logistics sports, jewelery and small parts logistics, etc.), Tech (IT items logistics, IT accessories logistics, hardware logistics, etc.), Healthcare and Dry food (without requests for controlled or refrigerated temperatures).

• Areas: eShop Logistic B2B and B2C logistics services offers services in Italy, Europe, USA, World.
Especially in Italy:

– Milan e-commerce logistics;
– Rome e-commerce logistics;
– Parma e-commerce logistics;
– Verona e-commerce logistics;
– Turin e-commerce logistics;
– E-commerce logistics Bologna;
– Florence e-commerce logistics;
– Bari e-commerce logistics;
– Naples e-commerce logistics;
– Milan e-commerce logistics;
– Rome e-commerce logistics;
– Parma e-commerce logistics;
– Verona e-commerce logistics;
– Turin e-commerce logistics;
– E-commerce logistics Bologna;
– Florence e-commerce logistics;
– Bari e-commerce logistics;
– Naples e-commerce logistics;
– B2B logistics Milan;
– Industrial logistics Milan;
– B2B logistics Rome;
– B2B logistics Parma;
– B2B logistics Verona;
– B2B logistics Turin;
– B2B logistics Bologna;
– B2B logistics Florence;
– B2B logistics Bari;
– B2B logistics Naples;
– B2B logistics Milan;
– B2B logistics Rome;
– B2B logistics Parma;
– B2B logistics Verona;
– B2B logistics Turin;
– B2B logistics Bologna;
– B2B logistics Florence;
– B2B logistics Bari;
– B2B logistics Naples;
– Logistics and shipping in Italy;
– Logistics and transport Italy;
– Online logistics;
– Omnichannel logistics;
– Omnichannel logistics;
– Ecommerce logistics Italy;
– E-commerce logistics Italy;
– B2B logistics Italy;
– Fulfillment Italy;
– Fulfillment in Europe;
– Fulfillment for Europe;
– Fulfillment 4 Europe;

Strategic Partnership USA – ITALY :: Partnership Strategica USA – ITALIA


It is with great pride that we announce an important transoceanic partnership between the United States and Italy with the aim of developing B2C, B2B and omnichannel e-commerce logistics services.

In fact, in March 2024 an agreement was signed between and , primary logistics and supply chain players in their respective markets. is an American company based in US and specialized in consultancy services and research of logistics structures in the USA.

It features a network of pre-vetted, qualified fulfillment centers, with the mission to help 3PLs and businesses grow with better fulfillment partnerships that are built to last.

Whether brands sell online, in-store, retail, or B2B, their fulfillment centers have the tech, knowledge, and support to make sure items are shipped on time, every time.

Thanks to their efficient IT Sysems, DBs, it is possible to search through boutique fulfillment centers specializing in niches like Apparel, Nutraceuticals, Beauty, Home, and more. Whatever merchants sell, they have fulfillment centers to help you ship it.

Thanks to a network of 600+ verified 3PL Companies, 2,500+ warehouse locations, is leader in Supply Chain Consulting.

eShop Logistic S.r.l. is happy to be part of this network and act as a reference for e-commerce logistics in Italy.

With over 30 years of experience, ESL is a leader in the fulfillment sector in Italy, providing inbound, storage, pick & pack, outbound, order management, returns management, international shipping, e-commerce and B2B services, and value-added services. For more information visit

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È con grande orgoglio che annunciamo un’importante partnership transoceanica tra Stati Uniti e Italia con l’obiettivo di sviluppare servizi logistici di e-commerce B2C, B2B ed omnicanale.

Nel marzo 2024, infatti, è stato siglato un accordo tra  e , primari attori della logistica e della supply chain nei rispettivi mercati.  è una società americana con sede negli Stati Uniti e specializzata in servizi di consulenza e ricerca di strutture logistiche negli USA.

È dotato di una rete di centri logistici 3PL qualificati e pre-controllati, con la missione di aiutare i 3PL e le aziende a crescere con partnership di evasione ordini migliori e costruite per durare.

Che i brand vendano online, in negozio, al dettaglio o B2B, i loro centri logistici dispongono della tecnologia, delle conoscenze e del supporto per garantire che gli articoli vengano spediti in tempo, ogni volta.

Grazie ai loro efficienti sistemi IT, DB, è possibile effettuare ricerche nei centri di evasione ordini boutique specializzati in nicchie come abbigliamento, nutraceutici, bellezza, casa e altro ancora. Qualunque cosa vendano i commercianti, dispongono di centri logistici per aiutarti a spedirlo.

Grazie a una rete di oltre 600 aziende 3PL verificate e oltre 2.500 sedi di magazzino,  è leader nella consulenza sulla catena di fornitura.

eShop Logistica S.r.l. è felice di far parte di questa rete e porsi come riferimento per la logistica dell’e-commerce in Italia.

Con oltre 30 anni di esperienza, ESL è leader nel settore dell’adempimento in Italia, fornendo servizi di inbound, stoccaggio, pick & pack, outbound, gestione degli ordini, gestione dei resi, spedizioni internazionali, servizi di e-commerce e B2B e servizi a valore aggiunto. . Per ulteriori informazioni visitare il sito

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International Logistic Network

Ubicazioni & Network

Siamo posizionati in Italia con ubicazioni strategiche nel Nord (Zona Milano) e Centro Italia (Zona Roma) in modo da poter coprire i due maggiori centri urbani italiani con soluzioni veloci ed efficienti.

Grazie alla nostra esperienza e vocazione internazionale, vantiamo un Network mondiale in grado di offrire soluzioni flessibili, economiche e scalabili.

Possiamo offrire una unica soluzione di integrazione informatica in ogni parte del mondo dove siamo presenti con le nostre strutture grazie ai nostri sistemi WMS, TMS, CRM di primaria importanza.

Servizi di Logistica, Fulfillment, Stoccaggio, Trasporto, Spedizioni vengono forniti in ogni nazione coperta con la stessa efficienza, flessibilita’ e professionalita’, con la massima attenzione a sostenibilita’, automazione ed innovazione.

Logistica ecommerce italia :: logistica e-commerce italia :: logistica b2b :: logistica b2c ::

We are positioned in Italy with strategic locations in the North (Milan area) and Central Italy (Rome area) in order to be able to cover the two largest Italian urban centers with fast and efficient solutions.

Thanks to our experience and international vocation, we boast a global network capable of offering flexible, economical and scalable solutions.

We can offer a single IT integration solution in every part of the world where we are present with our structures thanks to our primary WMS, TMS, CRM systems.

Logistics, Fulfillment, Storage, Transport and Shipping services are provided in every country covered with the same efficiency, flexibility and professionalism, with the utmost attention to sustainability, automation and innovation.

Logistica e-commerce


eShop Logistica S.r.l. leader nell’e-Commerce, Retail e Servizi Operativi Omnichannel (B2C e B2B): servizi chiavi in ​​mano a 360′.

Leader nella gestione della Logistica, dei Trasporti e dei Servizi Operativi a Valore Aggiunto per i settori B2C e B2B, con oltre 30 anni di esperienza.

Con strutture operative dirette in Italia e un network internazionale, in grado di facilitare la crescita e l’espansione di marchi e aziende. Operiamo con un’ampia gamma di soluzioni, valide dai progetti più piccoli a quelli più grandi e complessi.

Gestiamo servizi logistici per diversi settori quali: Moda, Lusso, Calzature, Prodotti cosmetici e salutistici, Prodotti dietetici, Merchandising, Alimentari secchi, Caffè e prodotti sportivi. Siamo aperti a valutare nuovi settori con la massima flessibilità.

Ciascuno dei nostri servizi (inbound, stoccaggio a scaffale, stoccaggio pallet, capi appesi, pick & pack, gestione ordini, gestione resi) è gestito con la massima precisione dal nostro WMS in cloud.

Come spedizionieri disponiamo di soluzioni operative per trasporti e spedizioni a 360′: spedizioni FTL a carico completo, spedizioni LTL a carico parziale, container, groupage, spedizioni su pallet e spedizioni di pacchi e buste.

Offriamo soluzioni espresse ad hoc (come la consegna “same day”) o servizi più economici come le spedizioni postali e tramite corriere.

Gestiamo specifici servizi di contrassegno (COD), su appuntamento.

Forniamo consulenza per individuare la soluzione più adatta per spedizioni ecommerce, retail e omnicanale.

Offriamo spedizioni nazionali e internazionali.

Ogni spedizione viene tracciata con la massima precisione grazie al nostro innovativo cloud TMS.

Grazie alla nostra esperienza e flessibilità, siamo in grado di studiare, proporre e gestire servizi a valore aggiunto (VAS) di qualità, garantendo la massima soddisfazione dei nostri clienti e destinatari finali, sia per l’e-commerce che per il retail.

Servizi di kit, imballi specifici, stiratura, pulizia, ricondizionamento, etichettatura e molto altro.

Siamo pronti a valutare le esigenze del cliente e proporre la migliore soluzione operativamente ed economicamente.

Grazie al nostro sistema CRM possiamo offrire la migliore assistenza, gestendo ogni richiesta del cliente con ticket specifici e a valore aggiunto.

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Eshop Logistic in TV nella Puntata # 197 di Business24.

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eShop Logistic logistica ecommerce, logistica retail, logistica omnichannel, magazzinaggio, stoccaggio, spedizioni, trasporti, gestione resi, servizi a valore aggiunto, logistica italia. Ecommerce logistic, retail logistic, omnichannel logistic, warehousing, storage, shipments, transportation, return management, returns management, logistic italy, value added services.

Per maggiori info:

RFI, RFQ e RFP Logistici: qual è la differenza? Se hai lavorato per un certo periodo di tempo come fornitore di un’azienda B2B, probabilmente sei abituato a ricevere richieste di proposta da clienti interessati ai tuoi prodotti e servizi.

Abbreviazione di “richiesta di proposta”, una RFP è un documento che un’azienda alla ricerca di servizi di livello aziendale può utilizzare per ottenere una panoramica delle offerte e dei costi di diversi fornitori contemporaneamente. Se un fornitore partecipa a una RFP, risponde a una serie di domande su prodotti, servizi, metodologia e costi necessari per soddisfare le esigenze dell’azienda.

Un problema che affligge la moderna RFP è che, in molti casi, non si tratta affatto di una RFP. È diventato un termine generico applicato a RFP, RFI e RFQ. Tutti e tre hanno alcune caratteristiche in comune, ma ognuno presenta chiare distinzioni e la comprensione di tali distinzioni migliorerà notevolmente il processo di selezione durante la ricerca di un fornitore. Ecco una carrellata delle distinzioni di ciascun documento e delle indicazioni su quando utilizzarlo:


Abbreviazione di “richiesta di informazioni”, la RFI è in realtà un documento preliminare utilizzato dalle aziende che non comprendono il mercato in cui stanno per entrare.

Poiché la RFI è più un documento conoscitivo, ti consigliamo di porre domande aperte, che consentano al venditore di parlare della sua gamma completa di offerte.

In genere, la RFI indicherà le sfide aziendali generali che stai affrontando e quindi il fornitore potrà personalizzare la sua risposta nel contesto di tali sfide. Spesso, il venditore spiega la sua posizione sul mercato (ad esempio, in quali settori è specializzato), come concede in licenza il suo prodotto e quali altre tariffe puoi aspettarti.

Richiesta di offerta

Una RFP, “Richiesta di proposta”, è un documento che chiede ai fornitori di proporre soluzioni ai problemi o ai requisiti aziendali di un cliente. Una RFP è solitamente ciò che segue una RFI; infatti, è raro che un’azienda passi da una RFI a una RFQ (per ragioni che diventeranno chiare di seguito). Una RFP dovrebbe contenere molta più specificità in termini di quali sono le esigenze di un’azienda, delineando gli obiettivi aziendali per il progetto e identificando i requisiti specifici necessari per il lavoro richiesto. La chiave di questo documento è che ci siano dettagli sufficienti per fornire ai fornitori il contesto di cui hanno bisogno per proporre una soluzione valida, ma deve comunque consentire un margine di manovra sufficiente affinché i fornitori possano applicare creatività e migliori pratiche per soddisfare tali esigenze.

Richiesta di offerta

Abbreviazione di “richiesta di preventivo”, la RFQ è un documento ancora più dettagliato che approfondisce le specifiche esatte richieste dall’azienda. In una situazione in cui una richiesta di offerta viene utilizzata per un progetto software B2B, l’azienda sa abbastanza del suo sistema attuale e esattamente come intende cambiarlo o migliorarlo in futuro.

A differenza della RFP, che consente al fornitore la flessibilità di suggerire soluzioni creative al problema, un’azienda che distribuisce una RFQ non cerca creatività. In genere, la richiesta di offerta contiene una tabella che elenca ciascun requisito e quindi chiede al fornitore di valutare la propria capacità di soddisfare tale requisito. Il fornitore specificherà quindi se può soddisfare i requisiti immediatamente, se richiederà qualche configurazione, se richiederà del codice personalizzato o se richiederà l’utilizzo di un fornitore di terze parti.

Qual è il migliore?

Come fornitore, affronto questo problema con alcuni pregiudizi, ma preferisco il percorso RFI-RFP rispetto a una RFQ. Perché? In genere, i clienti che si rivolgono a noi con una richiesta di offerta tendono ad avere una mentalità chiusa nel loro approccio. Poiché non ti stai aprendo alla creatività e alla conoscenza istituzionale accumulata dal venditore, stai sostanzialmente segnalando che non vuoi imparare nulla di nuovo, né vuoi aprirti a nuovi approcci.

Nella mia esperienza, molti clienti chiamano erroneamente le loro richieste di offerta come RFP, ma quando si risponde non è consentito “proporre” una varietà di soluzioni e avere successive conversazioni sulle opzioni proposte, che è lo scopo di una RFP. In questi casi, ti viene semplicemente chiesto di compilare un elenco di requisiti e fornire costi dettagliati per ciascuna voce, che per definizione è semplicemente una richiesta di offerta.

Una richiesta di offerta è appropriata per un progetto in cui si sta aggiungendo o potenziando un sistema esistente.

Tuttavia, ritengo che l’approccio RFQ sia inappropriato per un progetto in cui si prevede di implementare un sistema completamente nuovo.

Puoi facilmente cadere nella trappola di chiedere ai fornitori di fornirti un sistema che faccia esattamente quello che fa il tuo sistema attuale. Se è così, allora devi innanzitutto esaminare attentamente il motivo per cui stai implementando un nuovo sistema e assicurarti che i tuoi obiettivi aziendali siano in linea con gli obiettivi del tuo progetto.

In genere, stai cercando di implementare un nuovo sistema perché quello che stai utilizzando oggi non soddisfa le tue esigenze. Se è davvero così, come puoi sapere quali sistemi disponibili soddisferanno le tue esigenze a meno che tu non conceda ai fornitori la flessibilità di discutere i tuoi attuali processi aziendali in modo collaborativo?

Se pubblichi semplicemente un elenco di esigenze dettagliate in base a ciò che fai oggi, otterrai risposte in cui i fornitori cercano di adattare le loro soluzioni per soddisfare tale elenco e perdere l’opportunità di cambiare veramente la tua attività in meglio. La mentalità della RFQ, in breve, mina alcuni dei cambiamenti positivi che puoi vedere nei tuoi processi aziendali nel loro insieme. E chiudere un occhio di fronte al cambiamento è la strada più rapida verso l’obsolescenza di un’azienda.

Per maggiori info: 

Cos’è il Fulfillment?

Per Fulfillment si riferisce al processo di preparazione e consegna dell’ordine di un cliente. Mentre le società di cataloghi e le operazioni più grandi in genere sono attrezzate per gestire da sole l’evasione degli ordini dei clienti, le società di e-commerce e le piccole imprese spesso affidano questo aspetto dell’attività ad aziende specializzate nell’evasione.

Il Fulfillment si riferisce al processo di preparazione e consegna dell’ordine di un cliente. Mentre le società di cataloghi e le operazioni più grandi in genere sono attrezzate per gestire da sole l’evasione degli ordini dei clienti, le società di e-commerce e le piccole imprese spesso affidano questo aspetto dell’attività ad aziende specializzate nell’evasione dell’e-commerce.

Il processo di Fulfillment

Spedire l’ordine di un cliente spesso comporta molto più che semplicemente metterlo in una scatola e consegnarlo all’ufficio postale. Le società di logistica si occupano di:

• Immagazzinare o immagazzinare il prodotto oi suoi componenti

• Produzione o assemblaggio del prodotto, ad esempio fotocopiare pagine di un raccoglitore di materiali o copiare un CD da spedire

• Imballaggio dell’ordine in una busta o in una scatola

• Etichettatura dell’ordine per la spedizione

• Spedendolo utilizzando uno dei principali corrieri, come FedEx, UPS o il servizio postale

• Avvisare il cliente via e-mail che il suo ordine è in arrivo

• Elaborazione dei pagamenti e trasferimento di fondi all’azienda

Ha senso esternalizzare?

Per molte piccole imprese, la decisione di esternalizzare dipende dal tempo. Non solo se hanno il tempo di preparare e spedire gli ordini dei clienti, ma se riescono a spedirli in modo tempestivo e coerente.

Se all’improvviso ricevi un grande afflusso di ordini, la tua azienda dispone delle risorse per produrre, imballare e spedire tutti gli ordini abbastanza rapidamente da soddisfare i clienti? Oppure ha più senso affidare l’intero processo, e la responsabilità, a un’azienda specializzata in fulfillment?

L’altro problema è lo spazio. La tua azienda ha lo spazio disponibile per immagazzinare quantità dei tuoi prodotti per soddisfare la domanda dei clienti? Oppure è meglio destinare quello spazio a qualche altro uso? Solo tu puoi rispondere a questo.

Un’altra considerazione è la qualità costante. La tua azienda è in grado di fornire costantemente ai clienti la stessa qualità affidabile del prodotto finito? Oppure uno specialista dell’adempimento sarebbe in grado di farlo meglio? Potrebbe dipendere dall’azienda.

Come vengono pagate le aziende di fulfillment?

Ogni centro logistico ha una struttura tariffaria e capacità diverse. Alcuni possono gestire articoli di moda, cosmetici, prodotti di bellezza, integratori alimentari, prodotti dietetici, calzature o masterizzare CD e DVD, mentre altri possono immagazzinare prodotti finiti e spedirli come ordinato.

Molte società di logistica addebiteranno costi per pezzo fino a una quantità prestabilita, in modo che tu possa confermare in anticipo che ogni ordine sarà comunque redditizio per te, anche dopo la spedizione. Maggiore è la quantità, minore è il costo per pezzo.

Qual è un esempio di processo di evasione degli ordini?

Un esempio di processo di evasione dell’ordine sarebbe il seguente:

1. Ricevi ordine: l’ordine viene ricevuto dal cliente e inserito nel sistema.

2. Pick and pack: gli articoli ordinati vengono prelevati dal magazzino e imballati in scatole.

3. Fattura: viene creata una fattura per il cliente.

4. Spedizione: l’ordine viene spedito al cliente.

5. Conferma della consegna: il cliente viene informato della consegna e gli viene chiesto di confermare la ricezione.

6. Chiudi ordine: l’ordine viene contrassegnato come completato nel sistema.

Qual è la differenza tra spedizione e Fulfillment?

La spedizione è il processo di trasporto di merci da un luogo a un altro. Il Fulfillment è il processo volto a garantire che tutte le misure necessarie siano intraprese per consegnare la merce al cliente. Ciò include l’imballaggio, l’etichettatura e l’organizzazione della consegna della merce da parte di un corriere. Implica anche la fornitura del servizio clienti, il monitoraggio degli ordini e la gestione dei resi.

eShop Logistic logistica ecommerce, logistica retail, logistica omnichannel, magazzinaggio, stoccaggio, spedizioni, trasporti, gestione resi, servizi a valore aggiunto, logistica italia. Ecommerce logistic, retail logistic, omnichannel logistic, warehousing, storage, shipments, transportation, return management, returns management, logistic italy, value added services.

Per maggiori info: