eShop Logistic | Logistics and shipping for your ecommerce

Logistic and Fulfillment for Marketplace

What is the difference between Marketplace and eCommerce?

eCommerce generally refers to all online retail sales and can take place on the e-commerce site or on a marketplace.

A Marketplace can aggregate multiple third-party sellers and function as an online storefront.

An eCommerce site sells through its own online platform.

Similar to traditional brick-and-mortar retail stores, marketplaces attract shoppers with their wide assortment of inventory.

It can be difficult to attract the volume of digital “traffic” to your site that major marketplaces do, but you have no competitors on your e-commerce site.

That’s why it’s important to match marketplaces and sales through your dedicated e-commerce website in your multi-channel e-commerce strategy.

Managing multiple e-commerce marketplaces

Each e-commerce marketplace is unique with its own content requirements, marketing features, and payment options, not to mention the community surrounding the marketplace and the items that are most important to shoppers who browse there.

Below, we’ve outlined 3 major ecommerce marketplaces to help you decide which channels to launch first.


As the largest e-commerce marketplace in the world, Amazon is an obvious first stop for most merchants. Many shoppers actually start their shopping journey on Amazon, and even if they head to another channel to make the purchase, they still use Amazon as their price control and delivery standard. Indeed, the so-called “Amazon effect” has long driven consumer expectations for 1- or 2-day delivery, to the extent that merchants who do not offer this option are no longer competitive.

Amazon is, however, a highly saturated marketplace, making it essential for sellers to win the buy box by setting competitive prices and guaranteeing 1-2 day delivery via FBA or SFP.

The Prime badge attracts attention at the top of the sales funnel and attracts loyal Prime customers who typically spend double the money per year on the site compared to non-members.

Since Amazon is the current industry leader, most platforms, whether multi-channel sales software or fulfillment partners, will integrate with it, allowing you to automate many of the day-to-day functions of managing your listings.

A quick overview of Amazon’s logistics offerings and inventory visibility may give some sellers pause and consider prioritizing a strategic logistics partner. Finding a partner who is committed to your company’s success and cares as much about your KPIs and customer satisfaction as you do can make the difference between logistics being a squeaky wheel or a revenue driver for your company.


WWW.ESHOPLOGISTIC.COM  can provide an e-commerce logistics solution in Milan, or e-commerce logistics in Parma, or else , e-commerce logistics in Parma, or even e-commerce logistics Turin , or in any case more global b2c logistics solutions italy , and also Fulfillment for Europe or b2c logistics parma, complete end-to-end international shipping for markets and sellers, whether the package goes from one side of the city to the other or to the other side of the world!

Advantages for marketplaces

  1. Buyers are more likely to shop on the marketplace, as logistics and shipping processes become consistent regardless of the seller
  2. Sellers are encouraged to work through the marketplace, as they have access to simpler and cheaper logistics, supply chain, domestic and international shipping services
  3. More reliable shipping methods, leading to a better seller and consumer experience
  4. Leverage shipping volume to get discounts, meaning rates are reduced across the board

Benefits for sellers

  • The opportunity to sell internationally, when previously this may have seemed daunting
  • Marketplace-branded tracking portal adds credibility and trust to buyers
  • Lower logistics and shipping rates and faster shipping options, with online tracking and visibility
  • Encourage repeat purchases and improve seller score on the marketplace

Benefits for buyers

  • Comprehensive online order tracking through the Marketplace-branded portal offers peace of mind and a reliable purchasing method
  • Guaranteed deliveries, including fragile, high-value or unique items from independent sellers
  • A reliable marketplace with diverse sellers and products, as well as consistent shipping options


eBay is a legacy e-commerce marketplace and one of the first in the industry and remains one of the largest. Most consumers immediately think of eBay’s original auction pricing structure, but the site has long since added the fixed price option.

Some sellers appreciate the ability to choose between the two pricing options, but the auction model will likely require too much oversight for a growing e-commerce business. Another point to consider when comparing eBay to Amazon is that eBay itself is not a seller like Amazon is. Many merchants believe it is becoming increasingly difficult to compete with Amazon’s private label brands.

In addition to offering a comprehensive membership program like Amazon Prime, eBay has a Fast ‘N Free badge program for sellers that offers free shipping, a fast delivery option, same-day or 1-day handling, and tracking information for all shipments. In addition to the attention-getting badge, sellers enrolled in this program will also be entitled to seller protection on orders that do not meet guaranteed delivery times, as long as the order was fulfilled on time.

 Shein Market

Shein has established itself as a fast fashion retailer and pioneer of the consumer-to- manufacturer (C2M) business model .

It is trying to expand its product catalog and increase the number of sellers by inviting successful Amazon sellers to list on its marketplace, often offering free advertising and waiving referral fees for a time to sweeten the deal.

Although Shein is growing rapidly, it will need to differentiate itself from Amazon in order to compete.

As purchasing habits and sales processes change, it’s essential that the vendors that support those processes keep up with the latest trends and can evolve their business models in response. Marketplaces are predominantly driven by large numbers of independent sellers such as arts and crafts sellers, hobbyists and boutique merchants – and we believe they should be able to take advantage of the large volumes they collectively ship.

Frequently asked questions

What are marketplaces in e-commerce?

E-commerce marketplaces are online shopping environments that aggregate products from multiple brands onto a single platform. The most famous example is Amazon, which has a diversified sales strategy. Its marketplace includes its own line of proprietary products (Amazon Basics), first-party products (purchased in bulk by brands), and third-party products (brands retain ownership of the inventory and list it themselves on the marketplace).

What is an example of an e-commerce marketplace?

Amazon is the most common example of an e-commerce marketplace, but many other retailers have launched e-commerce marketplaces in recent years.

What is the most popular online marketplace?

Amazon is the most popular online marketplace with 76% of online consumers having made at least one purchase from Amazon in the past year.

Shopify an example of e-commerce or a marketplace?

Shopify is an example of ecommerce that allows brands to sell on their own ecommerce site.


The key to all these benefits is that the entire process of logistics and shipping services are completely managed by WWW.ESHOPLOGISTIC.COM , regardless of the couriers used, giving marketplaces the advantage of scale, even if they work with perhaps thousands of individuals. sellers.

From the seller’s point of view, the entire process is made extremely simple: by the possibility of customizing the logistical experience of order preparation, packaging or even return management (reverse logistics ) with the possibility of printing shipping labels based on to the buyer’s preferred delivery method and therefore the possibility of delivering parcels to the local postal service or collecting the items every day. The method usually depends on daily volume, but can be flexible to meet each seller’s needs. We then choose the most appropriate delivery route, taking advantage of the high-volume agreements we have with multiple couriers around the world, to ensure the best possible rates for the seller.

From here on, sellers can track the package anywhere in the world via their marketplace’s branded portal, until it is safely in the hands of their buyer. This helps ensure not only repeat business, but also excellent reviews, which is extremely important for online sellers.

WWW.ESHOPLOGISTIC.COM  provides a global infrastructure, consisting of multi-user, multi-client logistics facilities , across much of the world, with 24/7 customer service centers that use cutting-edge technology to track shipments at all times. Individual services include:

WWW.ESHOPLOGISTIC.COM Italian Logistics Leader

  1. Inbound logistics
  2. Storage and warehousing services
  3. B2B logistics services and B2C, D2C, DTC logistics services
  4. wholesale logistics services ,
  5. Picking services, Packing services , Order management,
  6. Special and customized packaging actions
  7. Gift packages, Christmas packages, insertion of greeting cards
  8. Kitting services , management of registration numbers and deadlines
  9. Online returns logistics management, e-commerce returns logistics management ,
  10. Value-added logistics services.
  11. Shipping
  12. Logistics consultancy and supply chain consultancy.

WWW.ESHOPLOGISTIC.COM  can provide an e-commerce logistics solution in Milan, or e-commerce logistics in Parma, or else , e-commerce logistics in Parma, or even e-commerce logistics Turin , or in any case more global b2c logistics solutions italy , and also Fulfillment for Europe or b2c logistics parma, complete end-to-end international shipping for markets and sellers, whether the package goes from one side of the city to the other or to the other side of the world!



Logistic: Details and Curiosity



fulfillment and supply chain activities become increasingly complicated based on the size of client companies and their volumes, the type of goods, their characteristics, delivery methods and countless additional variants.

Warehouse management activities do not only concern the administration of incoming (inbound) and outgoing ( Outbound ) flows of goods, but include the constant monitoring and supervision of all internal and external logistics operations involved in the distribution chain.

Below are some important factors for having an excellent logistics, supply chain and fulfillment activity:

  • Logistics: as defined by Wikipedia , and as per the definition that we report below thanks to this site, it is the fundamental part of operational activities:

“Logistics is the part of supply chain management that deals with the efficient inbound and outbound flow of goods, services and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption based on customer needs. Logistics management is a component that holds the Supply Chain together in Italy and around the world. Resources managed in logistics can include tangible goods such as materials, equipment and supplies, as well as food and other consumables.


Logistics activities can be divided into three main areas: order processing, inventory management and freight transportation. Traditionally, order processing was a time-consuming activity that could take up to 70% of the order cycle time. However, with new technologies such as barcode scanning, computers and network connection, customer orders can quickly reach the seller in no time and stock availability can be checked in real time. The purpose of having an inventory is to reduce the overall logistics cost while improving customer service. Having a stock of finished products in advance can reduce the frequency of transportation to and from customers and accommodate the randomness of customer requests. However, maintaining an inventory requires capital investments in finished products and maintaining a warehouse. Storage and order picking account for the majority of warehouse maintenance costs. Freight transport forms a vital part of logistics and provides access to larger markets as goods can be transported hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Freight represents two-thirds of logistics costs and has a significant impact on customer service. Transportation policies and warehouse management are closely intertwined.

The increase in business transactions through the Internet gives rise to the need for “e-logistics”. Compared to traditional logistics, e- logistics handles low-value parcels for customers spread across various destinations around the world. In e-logistics, customer requests come in waves compared to traditional logistics, where demand is constant.


Inbound logistics is one of the primary logistics processes that focuses on purchasing and arranging for the inbound movement of materials, parts, or unfinished inventory from suppliers to manufacturing or assembly plants, warehouses, or retail stores. detail.


Outbound logistics is the process relating to the storage and movement of the final product. The relevant information flows from the end of the production line to the end user.

Considering the services performed by logisticians, the main logistics sectors can be divided as follows:

  • Purchasing logistics
  • Distribution logistics
  • After-sales logistics
  • Disposal logistics
  • Reverse logistics
  • Green logistics
  • Global logistics
  • Domestic logistics
  • Concierge service
  • Reliability, availability and maintainability
  • Asset control logistics
  • Logistics of point of sale materials
  • Emergency logistics
  • Production logistics
  • Construction logistics
  • Capital project logistics
  • Digital logistics
  • Humanitarian logistics


Procurement logistics consists of market research , requirements planning, make-or- buy decisions , supplier management, ordering, and order control. The objectives in procurement logistics could be contradictory: maximize efficiency by focusing on core competencies, outsource while maintaining the company’s autonomy, or minimize procurement costs by maximizing security within the supply process.


Advanced logistics consists of the activities necessary to set up or establish a plan for carrying out logistics activities.


Global logistics is technically the process of managing the “flow” of goods through a supply chain from the place of production to other parts of the world. This often requires an intermodal transportation system by sea, air, rail and truck. The effectiveness of global logistics is measured in the Logistics Performance Index .


Distribution logistics has as its main task the delivery of finished products to the customer. It consists of order processing, warehousing and transportation. Distribution logistics is necessary because the time, place and quantity of production differ with the time, place and quantity of consumption.


Disposal logistics has the main function of reducing logistics costs and improving services relating to the disposal of waste produced during a company’s activity.


Reverse logistics denotes all those operations of reuse of products and materials. The reverse logistics process includes the management and sale of surpluses, as well as products returned to sellers by buyers. It is “the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient and cost-effective flow of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, finished goods, and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin to recover value or properly dispose of.” [12] More precisely, reverse logistics moves goods from their typical final destination to gain value or for proper disposal. The opposite of reverse logistics is forward logistics.

Green logistics describes all attempts to measure and minimize the ecological impact of logistics activities, including all forward and reverse flow activities. This can be achieved through intermodal freight , route optimization, vehicle saturation and city logistics .


  • Documentation management: the documents used for the management of the warehouse and e-commerce logistics services, e-commerce logistics services, B2B logistics services, fulfillment services , must be managed and compiled precisely, both at a fiscal and administrative level, looking for to limit the use of paper documents but increasingly using IT and automated tools, better considering the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence in Logistics).


  • Logistics staff management: to ensure that logistics and operational activities are carried out according to KPIs and SLAs and with a continuous search for logistics excellence, the assigned staff must be pre- selected, qualified and appropriately trained for the specific activities.


  • Safety in logistics structures: it is essential that the logistics structure follows all current regulations and that the working environment is clean and safe, both to guarantee the protection of its operators and for its activities.

In fact, accidents also have a negative impact on the corporate economy.


More and more companies are choosing to entrust warehouse management to 3PL companies, specialized in providing complete outsourced warehouse management services .

There are various types of outsourcing of warehouse activities :

  • Assignment of outsourced logistical operational activities.
  • Entrusting of operational activities within its own warehouse structures: in this case the 3PL will be able to undertake to hire warehouse staff, install adequate IT systems, implement automatic warehouse systems.
    A logistics outsourcing allows the company to contain certain operating costs and to make use of the specific skills of the logistics operator , such as flexibility and sharing of some capex and opex with other customers of the 3PL itself.


Order management

The preparation of B2C, D2C and B2B orders takes place using innovative IT systems and the use of AI or automatic scanners and tools.
Operational order management activities are part of that set of processes called logistics.

It is an activity that must be managed with maximum accuracy and which is part of the economy of a company.

The management of B2C, D2C and B2B orders must be managed and controlled by WMS systems, i.e. specific software that monitors and supervises all warehouse activities in a quick, optimized, high-performance and efficient way.
These are IT operating systems capable of integrating fundamental management aspects such as: master data management (customers and suppliers), products, references (SKU) and price lists.

These IT systems also help manage orders, transport documents, invoices, warehouse loading and unloading documents. It will thus be possible to have an updated and real-time situation of the order status, allowing you to maintain control over warehouse stocks and fulfillment and shipping priorities.

ESL also deals with the preparation of personalized orders such as gift packages, gift packages, Christmas packages, providing specific services ( kitting , silk paper, sample insertion, and many other value-added logistics services ).

Goods storage (Goods storage)

The logistics warehouse is that logistics structure capable of receiving goods, storing them (put-a-way) and making them available for picking, packing, shipping and delivery. deals with the management of goods storage, incoming and outgoing quantitative and qualitative controls.

The goods are deposited immediately after receipt. The goods can be located on pallet spaces, eCommerce shelves, structures for hanging garments or automated structures and in any case in the most suitable parts of the warehouse indicated by the IT systems.

An important index to always consider is the inventory turnover rate, which indicates how long it takes to consume a stock and replenish it again. There may be high rotation items (which are therefore sold and repurchased more frequently) and low rotation items (which have fewer movements and fewer sales). Knowing the turnover rate is fundamental for managing the logistics structure and for the success of a company.

In logistics operations for the storage of goods, both in the picking and shipping phases, barcode technology or RFID readers help to automate and simplify operational management.

E-commerce warehouse management

The e-commerce industry is constantly developing and changing and more and more companies are deciding to focus on online sales.

The advantages of ecommerce are countless, but it is important to consider using an ecommerce logistics operator that is an absolute guarantee, such as .

Customer satisfaction is fundamental for the success of an e-commerce project which must be supported by quality, speed and economic and environmental sustainability: these are fundamental characteristics in both B2B and B2C.

Logistics outsourcing is increasingly being considered by companies, who can choose whether to outsource all of the activities (full out-sourcing or green field solution ) or just a part.

Shipments all over the world

ESL deals with shipping services e-commerce , ecommerce shipping , b2b shipping , worldwide and other tailor-made logistics solutions managed directly or via an international network. offers national and international express shipping solutions, taking care of the necessary customs procedures.

National and international transport can be managed with postal, semi-postal or express services, with tracking of goods and use of TMS online monitoring systems.

TAGS: E-commerce logistics , Logistics for e-commerce , Logistics for e-commerce sites , logistics services with e-commerce , development of e-commerce sites and logistics


E-commerce B2C Logistics: A Comprehensive Guide to Supply Chain and Fulfillment

In the digital age, e-commerce B2C (Business to Consumer) logistics has taken on a central role in determining the success of online businesses. The supply chain and fulfillment are key components of this process, directly influencing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. In this article, we will delve into the importance of e-commerce B2C logistics, the role of the supply chain and fulfillment, and how multilingual customer service and full outsourcing can optimize business operations.

E-commerce B2C Logistics: Fundamentals and Importance

E-commerce B2C logistics encompasses all the activities required to manage and deliver products from producers to end consumers. This process includes inventory management, warehousing, packaging, shipping, and returns management. Well-orchestrated logistics are essential for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction, reducing delivery times, and minimizing operational costs.

The Supply Chain: Efficiency and Optimization

The supply chain is the backbone of e-commerce B2C logistics. It covers the entire journey of a product from production to final delivery. To optimize the supply chain, businesses must:

  1. Collaborate with Reliable Suppliers: Choosing reliable suppliers is crucial to ensure product quality and timely deliveries.
  2. Utilize Advanced Technologies: Supply chain management tools such as Order Management Systems (OMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software can help monitor and optimize the flow of goods.
  3. Adopt Flexible Sourcing Strategies: Implementing just-in-time or multi-sourcing strategies can help mitigate risks related to demand fluctuations and supply chain disruptions.
  4. Implement Reverse Logistics: Efficiently managing returns is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction and reducing costs.

Fulfillment: From Warehouse to Customer

Fulfillment encompasses all the operations needed to process an order, from receipt to delivery. The main steps in the fulfillment process include:

  1. Inventory Management: Continuously monitor inventory levels to avoid stockouts or overproduction.
  2. Picking and Packing: Accurately and promptly select and prepare products for shipment.
  3. Shipping: Partner with reliable couriers to ensure fast and secure deliveries.
  4. Returns Management: Implement efficient return policies to facilitate the return process and enhance customer experience.

Multilingual Customer Service: Global Support

In the context of e-commerce B2C, multilingual customer service is crucial for serving a global clientele. Effective customer service must be able to:

  1. Communicate in the Customer’s Language: Provide support in the customer’s native language to improve understanding and problem resolution.
  2. Resolve Issues in Real Time: Use multi-channel support platforms such as live chat, email, and phone to respond quickly to customer inquiries.
  3. Continuous Staff Training: Invest in ongoing training for staff to ensure high-quality service and keep up with the latest market trends.

Full Outsourcing: A Winning Strategy

Full outsourcing involves delegating all logistics operations to a specialized service provider. This approach offers numerous advantages:

  1. Reduction of Operational Costs: Outsourcing logistics operations helps reduce the fixed costs associated with in-house management.
  2. Access to Advanced Technologies: Outsourcing providers often use cutting-edge technologies to improve efficiency and accuracy in operations.
  3. Operational Flexibility: Full outsourcing provides the flexibility needed to scale operations according to seasonal demand or sales peaks.
  4. Focus on Core Business: Delegating logistics to experts allows companies to concentrate on strategic activities and product development.


E-commerce B2C logistics, with its intricate network of supply chain and fulfillment, is fundamental to the success of online businesses. Implementing efficient strategies and adopting full outsourcing solutions and multilingual customer service can significantly enhance business operations and customer satisfaction. Investing in e-commerce B2C logistics is not just a necessity, but a vital strategy for building a sustainable and customer-oriented business.

European eCommerce Market 2024

European e-commerce market 2024: key insights

  • Pandemic Growth: The pandemic has given a significant boost to eCommerce in Europe, with sales increasing 66% from 2019 to 2021. Despite a temporary decline, the market is expected to continue growing, potentially reaching $955 billion by 2028.
  • Market leader: Fashion and electronics are the leading sectors in European online shopping. Subcategories such as Apparel and Consumer Electronics are particularly important, demonstrating both diversity and attention to consumer interests.
  • Preferred Payments: Digital wallets are the preferred payment method for online purchases across Europe, but direct account-to-account transfers are also becoming popular, especially in Poland, the Netherlands and Sweden. In Türkiye, however, credit cards are the most used payment instrument.
  • Revenue distribution: eCommerce revenue distribution varies significantly across Europe. Ireland, the Czech Republic and Belgium have the highest revenue shares, while the UK leads in e-commerce market size as a percentage of GDP, demonstrating widespread adoption of online shopping.

Europe, although geographically small, is one of the most important economic centers in the world. While major economies on the continent such as the UK, Germany or the Netherlands already have e-commerce penetration rates of around 80% and above, there is still a lot of potential to be exploited in the smaller economies of the South and North ‘east like Greece , Portugal or Poland .


Italy , the fifth largest e-commerce market in Europe, ranks 13th globally. Online retail represents 12% of the Italian retail market, with a forecast to increase to 17% by 2028. As in most major e-commerce markets in Europe, the Italian Amazon domain is leads with $5.6 billion in revenue in 2023.

The Italian market is expected to grow by 10% in 2024, reaching $41.5 billion by the end of the year. From 2024 to 2028, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8% is expected, with a market volume of $56.5 billion.

Hobby & Leisure leads the Italian eCommerce market, contributing 26% of revenues in 2023. Followed by electronics (21%), fashion (18%), furniture and household items (12%), care products ( 9%), DIY (9%) and groceries (6%).

In Italy, VISA and Mastercard are each accepted by 95% of online stores, with PayPal at 91% and bank transfers at 65%. Cash on delivery is used by 52% of retailers. Bartolini (BRT) dominates the shipping industry, handling 46% of deliveries, while GLS, DHL, UPS and SDA (Poste Italiane ) also play an important role in the competitive market.

The European e-commerce market is approaching $1 trillion

It’s no secret at this point that the pandemic has given a huge boost to e-commerce in many regions of the world. Europe was no exception, with market sales of $423 billion in 2019, rising to $589 the following year, before reaching an even more impressive figure of $702 billion in 2021. This is a 66% increase between 2019 and 2021.

Due to factors such as market saturation and inflation, the following year was not as impressive. With a decline of 7%, the market fell to $655 billion in revenue, still above pre-pandemic levels. Since last year, however, the market has picked up speed and a new decline is not expected.

Our forecasts show that the European eCommerce market will reach $745 billion in sales by the end of the year. This figure is expected to steadily increase to $955 billion by 2028.

But where does all this money go? In other words, what products do Europeans buy online ?

What do Europeans buy online?

Our revenue breakdown data shows what online shoppers in Europe buy most.

  • Fashion is in the lead with 21.6% of market turnover. This is not surprising, given that fashion is also the largest category globally (27.5%).
  • The main category is followed closely by Electronics and Hobbies & Leisure , each with approximately 20% of the market.
  • While Furniture and household items, Food and Personal care have similar market shares ranging from 9.8% to 9.6%,
  • The DIY category represents a smaller share of the market at 8.2%.

The major product categories, however, only tell part of the story.

Consumer electronics and clothing with the largest market shares

To go into more detail, we need to take the subcategories into consideration. Sorting these subcategories by market share, we see consumer electronics and apparel at the top.

While consumer electronics accounts for 14% of the European e-commerce market, home appliances (the other subcategory of electronics) are not far behind, standing at 6.6%. With 12.7%, clothing is the product category with the second largest market share in Europe. Sister subcategories Footwear and Bags & Accessories are at 5% and 4% respectively.

Other top subcategories for online shopping in Europe include Media , Furniture , Grocery , Personal Care , and Construction Tools & Supplies , with market shares ranging from 4.5% to 6.3%.

Digital wallets are the primary payment method for most Europeans

In addition to what Europeans buy online, it is equally important to know what they pay for.

A report from WorldPay paints a clear picture. As shown in the chart below, digital wallets are the most popular payment method for online purchases in the majority of European countries included in the study, with the UK having the largest share (38%) of shoppers using this method of payment. payment.

In addition to digital wallets, account-to-account (A2A) payments, which is the simple transfer of money directly from one bank account to another without using a debit or credit card, are also becoming increasingly popular. In fact, A2A is the most popular eCommerce payment method in Poland, the Netherlands and Sweden, with 68%, 64% and 30% of shoppers preferring this method respectively.

Looking at the other payment methods used in European eCommerce, Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) stands out. With 21% in both Germany and Sweden, BNPL is also popular in Denmark (12%) and the Netherlands (11%).

Turkey is also an interesting case: it is by far the leading country in Europe for the use of credit cards for online purchases, with almost half (48%) of shoppers using this payment method. Cash on delivery is also very popular, with 5% of Turkish shoppers paying cash on delivery, the highest rate in the region.

But what about the financial aspects of e-commerce on the continent: how important is the role of e-commerce in the economies of European countries?

eCommerce Logistics Market 2024

eCommerce Logistics Market 2024: Key Insights

  • Market Growth: The global eCommerce logistics market is experiencing robust growth, expected to increase from $400 billion in 2020 to $837 billion by 2026, despite challenges such as the recent pandemic.
  • Consumer preferences: Research shows that online shoppers around the world prioritize faster deliveries (48%), convenient shipping (43%), and accurate delivery time information (39%).
  • Returns: The UAE is a leader in product returns, with 40% of online orders sent back. European shoppers strongly prefer clear, free and simple return policies. Additionally, the global trend towards using order lockers is growing, although acceptance varies from country to country.
  • Impact of the Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected e-commerce logistics, resulting in labor shortages, increased customer expectations for faster deliveries, higher order volumes and more complex order fulfillment. This has shifted demand patterns towards services such as last mile delivery and on-demand options, with Sub-Saharan Africa surprisingly leading the market growth in 2020.

Have you ever thought about the journey of the package you enthusiastically open from your favorite online store? What’s behind the carefully planned route, speed and timely (or sometimes not so timely) arrival at your home?

Now multiply that by billions of packages shipped around the world. The vast global eCommerce logistics market manages this complex dance of goods and services. Between 2020 and 2021, the market experienced an increase in revenue of $80 billion and continues to grow.

eCommerce logistics market: growth continues

The global eCommerce logistics market has shown a significant growth trajectory in recent years. Let’s take a closer look:

  • According to data compiled by Statista, Transport Intelligence and PortCalls Asia, the market was worth $400 billion in 2020.
  • By the following year its value had increased by $80 billion, reaching a value of nearly $480 billion.
  • Forecasts for 2023 point to a continuation of this trend, with the market expected to reach nearly $600 billion.
  • By 2026, it is expected to increase further to a staggering $837.2 billion.
  • The global landscape offers a comprehensive overview of the trajectory of the eCommerce logistics market. However, focusing on specific regions, such as Europe, reveals more nuanced insights.
  • FYI: We regularly update our rankings with the latest data from our models, providing valuable insights to help you improve your business. Which stores and companies are leaders in eCommerce? Which categories are they driving bestsellers and high sales? Find out for yourself in our rankings for companies , shops and markets . Stay one step ahead of the market with ECDB.
  • European e-commerce logistics market:
    a closer look
  • The parcel market in Europe, as detailed by data from the European Postal Services Regulatory Group (ERGP), has shown a distinct trajectory over the years.
  • The annual turnover in 2015 amounted to 31.29 billion euros. While the overall trend has shifted toward growth, specific downturns have occurred, particularly in 2017 and 2018, when the market experienced reductions in annual revenue. However, the market recovered and in 2021 revenues rose to €62.63 billion.
  • Having traced the trajectory of market development both globally and in Europe, we now focus our attention on the consumer-centric dynamics that define the eCommerce landscape.

Speed is the consumer’s top priority

According to the results of a global survey of consumers who shop online at least once a month, published by Wunderman Thompson Commerce:

  • Nearly half (48%) believe products should be delivered faster, underlining the importance of speed in the delivery process.
  • The cost of delivery is another significant concern, with 43% feeling the price paid for shipping is too high, indicating a desire for more convenient, if not free, delivery options.
  • Additionally, 39% of these global shoppers want more accurate information on delivery times, signaling the importance of predictability and transparency in the online shopping experience.
  • Delivery speed and costs play a vital role in shaping consumer preferences around the world. However, delving into regional nuances presents different emphases on these factors. For example, consider the distinct preferences emerging from places like Israel versus broader trends.
  • In a 2021 survey conducted by Outbrain, approximately 50-53% of respondents from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and the European Union highlighted the importance of delivery speed in online purchases, with 38-43% saying they underlined the attractiveness of free or discounted offers. shipping. Only a small portion (7-10%) in these regions believe that neither factor influenced their purchasing decisions.
  • Online shopping in UAE: 40% is returned
  • While the speed and cost of delivery are undoubtedly crucial, another significant aspect of the e-commerce experience is the returns policy. Wunderman Thompson Commerce data reveals the countries where online shoppers are most likely to return their purchases.
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) tops the list with a significant 40% of online orders returned. Following closely, India has a rate of return of 37%. Thailand is no different, with 34% of online purchases returning. Meanwhile, in Europe, the Netherlands sees 26% of its online orders returned. The United States, a major e-commerce market, has a return rate of 25%.
  • A clear returns policy helps a lot
  • The phenomenon of product returns is not just about statistics; it is intrinsically linked to buyer sentiments and the policies that govern these returns. European shoppers, in particular, have expressed clear concerns about returns procedures.

2022 survey conducted by DPD and Geopost , the European e-shopper landscape revealed ongoing concerns about online returns policies:

  • Overall, 78% of respondents across Europe find tedious returns processes daunting.
  • Additionally, 75% didn’t like the idea of covering return costs, and a substantial 88% highlighted the need for clear return policies up front.
  • Drilling deeper into specific countries: In France, 90% of citizens are hesitant due to unclear return policies and 85% are discouraged by complex return procedures. About 69% were reluctant, fearing return costs.
  • Germany and Spain share this sentiment, with around 75% discouraged by complex returns and more than 70% worried about the potential costs.
  • Italy and the UK reflect these concerns, with figures ranging between 75 and 88% on these barriers.

European shoppers: 95% want to return products to a consignment shop or retail store

As we continue to explore the European e-shopper landscape, it is critical to determine consumers’ primary desires regarding the returns process. In another 2022 survey conducted by DPD and Geopost , European online shoppers outlined their returns preferences.

The majority, about 95%, are in favor of allowing returns to be dropped off at package stores or retailer stores. Equally popular was the need for transparent return costs and a clear returns policy, with approvals around 94% and 89% respectively. The ability to collect items from home was also important for many, with an average of 90%.

“Free returns”, however, have attracted varied interest across countries: the UK leads with 76%, followed by France (74%), Germany (71%), Italy (69%) and Spain (66%). %). This suggests that, although most return criteria are almost universally desired, attitudes towards free returns show notable differences among European shoppers.

Another emerging trend in the eCommerce logistics industry is the growing reliance on lockers for order collection. But how widespread is this preference?

Smart lockers: Benelux is not a fan

Based on data from Parcel Monitor, the global use of parcel lockers for picking up online purchases saw significant growth between 2018 and 2020.

In 2018, only 10% of online shoppers chose to collect their orders using parcel lockers. This figure saw a slight increase in 2019, with 12% opting for locker collection. However, 2020 marked a substantial surge, as 39% of online purchases were collected via locker, indicating a rapidly growing preference for this method of order collection among consumers around the world.

The growth in the use of parcel lockers shows a changing dynamic in delivery preferences. However, not everyone agrees with this method. In a 2022 survey conducted by SendCloud and Nielsen, consumers’ willingness to use smart lockers for out-of-home (OOH) deliveries varied significantly by country:

  • The Netherlands shows the highest reluctance, with 58% of respondents saying they are not willing to use such services.
  • This sentiment is echoed in Belgium (54%) and France (52%).
  • In Austria and Germany the figures are slightly lower, with 47% and 46% respectively expressing their reluctance.
  • The UK, Spain and the US show greater acceptance, but still have significant portions that resist the idea, with figures of 42%, 40% and 35% respectively.
  • Italy is the most open to the concept among the countries surveyed, with only 29% of respondents showing an aversion to using smart lockers for OOH deliveries.

COVID-19: Labor shortages and complexity of e-commerce orders

For better context, let’s take a look at the impact of COVID-19 on the e-commerce logistics market and how the industry has recovered from the difficulties created by the pandemic.

In a survey published by the Swiss company Kardex, several challenges emerged regarding the impact of COVID-19 on order management processes. Top issues included labor shortages (40.2%), growing customer expectations for fast deliveries (35.9%), an increase in e-commerce order volume (35%), and the need to fulfill more orders quickly and conveniently (34.2%).

Other responses highlighted concerns related to order accuracy, physical space constraints, multiple order fulfillment channels, complexity of order management, visibility, return order management, and a global view of orders and fulfillment. ‘inventory. Interestingly, 8.5% of respondents said they were not affected by the challenges listed.

What has the pandemic changed in e-commerce logistics?

While the challenges posed by COVID-19 have been multiple, they have also led to changes in demand patterns in the logistics sector.

According to data collected by DHL, Transport Intelligence and estimates provided by Statista, the group was led by the last mile service of eCommerce, often defined as the final phase of the delivery process from a distribution center or facility to end user, who suffered a demand of 21%. This was followed closely by eCommerce fulfillment, recording 18% demand.

The urgency of online shopping was further underlined by the 16% demand for on-demand/instant delivery e-commerce services. In grocery, last-mile in-store distribution was sought after, with 11% demand, and the traditional grocery distribution center was not far behind, with 10%.

Services such as click and collect from stores, returns or reverse logistics and distribution to high street stores have also seen notable demand.

E-commerce logistics growth: Sub-Saharan Africa leads in 2020

To top it off, we will look at the growth of the e-commerce logistics market in different regions for the year 2020, which reveals a surprising surge in Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to Transport Intelligence , sub-Saharan Africa tops the list with a year-on-year change of 36.3%, making it the fastest growing region in this sector. This impressive growth rate is particularly noteworthy because sub-Saharan Africa is not often the center of conversations in e-commerce circles, despite its obvious potential.

Following closely, South America saw a 34.8% increase, while North America, a significant player in the eCommerce space, saw a 33.9% increase. The Middle East and North Africa were not far behind, recording a growth rate of 30.4%. Europe, another major eCommerce market, saw its logistics market grow by 26.5%. Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region, home to some of the largest e-commerce giants, recorded a growth rate of 22%.

B2C Logistic Italy

Optimizing B2C Logistics in Italy for Seamless Customer Experiences

B2C logistics in Italy is essential for ensuring that products reach individual consumers efficiently. With the rise of ecommerce, the demand for effective B2C logistics solutions has increased significantly. This article explores the best practices for optimizing B2C logistics in Italy, such as implementing robust delivery tracking systems, choosing the right logistics partners, and improving last-mile delivery services. Discover how to create seamless customer experiences through efficient and reliable logistics operations.

Enhancing Fulfillment Operations in Italy: Key Strategies for Success

Fulfillment in Italy is a critical component of the ecommerce supply chain, encompassing everything from order processing to delivery. Businesses must navigate various logistical challenges to ensure smooth operations. This article outlines effective strategies for improving fulfillment in Italy, including leveraging local distribution centers, utilizing advanced inventory management systems, and partnering with reliable courier services. Learn how to optimize your fulfillment processes to enhance customer satisfaction and drive business growth in the Italian market.

A Strategic Approach to Fulfillment in Europe

Expanding your ecommerce operations across Europe requires a robust fulfillment strategy. Fulfillment in Europe involves navigating diverse markets, regulatory requirements, and logistics challenges. This article discusses key considerations for developing a pan-European fulfillment strategy, such as choosing the right fulfillment partners, understanding cross-border shipping regulations, and optimizing warehouse locations. Learn how to create an efficient and scalable fulfillment network that caters to the needs of European consumers.

Fulfillment for Europe: KPI & SLA

Are you an international brand and want to access the Italian ecommerce market through an ecommerce logistic that offers specialized fulfillment services?

Are you an international logistic company and want to access the Italian market and are looking for a fulfillment solution service provider in Italy?

Are you an American brand and want to access the B2C and B2B market in Europe looking for a specific Fulfillment for Europe solution?

eShop Logistic is the best fulfillment solution, thanks to its structures and network!

Here is a case study: company specialized in dietary products, food supplements, MLM (Multi Level Marketing) products, Direct Selling.

Our client company was looking for fast and safe solutions to manage its logistical needs:

Import services with container customs clearance, shuttle from port to warehouse, unloading of goods.

Quantity and quality control, registration of batches and deadlines, storage (put-a-way).

Goods storage service on shelves and pallets.

E-commerce logistics services, e-commerce logistics services, retail logistics services, wholesale logistics services, B2B logistics services and B2C logistics services.

Goods picking solutions (picking services).

Wrapping and packaging solutions.

Consultancy for the logistical supply of packaging and filling materials.

Wide range of transport and shipping solutions with cash on delivery (COD) and non-cash services.

Returns management services with quantity and quality control, restoration, relabelling and repackaging. Value-added services (VAS) such as kitting.

Thanks to the quality of our services, the service level is over 99.999% both in terms of the logistical management of orders in terms of quantity and quality, and in terms of inventory precision.

All of this, as established in the contractual phase with SLA, KPI, SOW, ILSA according to Tender ‘s requests (RFQ, ​​RFP, logistics RFI).

For more information regarding ecommerce fulfillment solutions, e-commerce fulfillment, fulfillment for Europe, fulfillment in Italy, logistics services, contact us via the customer request form on the website:

Sei un brand internazionale e desideri accedere al mercato ecommerce italiano attraverso una logistica e-commerce che offra servizi logistici di approntamento ordini specializzati?

Sei un’azienda logistica internazionale e desideri accedere al mercato italiano e stai cercando un fornitore di servizi di soluzioni logistiche in Italia?

Sei un marchio americano e desideri accedere al mercato B2C e B2B in Europa alla ricerca di una soluzione specifica di Fulfillment for Europe?

eShop Logistic è la migliore soluzione di evasione ordini, grazie alle sue strutture e alla sua rete!

Ecco un caso studio: azienda specializzata in prodotti dietetici, integratori alimentari, prodotti MLM (Multi Level Marketing), vendita diretta.

La nostra azienda cliente era alla ricerca di soluzioni veloci e sicure per gestire le proprie esigenze logistiche: servizi di import con sdoganamento container, servizi di navettaggio dal porto di La Spezia, servizi di navettaggio dal porto di Genova, servizi navetta dal Porto di Livorno al magazzino, scarico merci.

Controllo quantità e qualità, registrazione lotti e scadenze, stoccaggio (put-a-way).

Servizio di stoccaggio merci su scaffali e servizio di stoccaggio pallet.

Servizi logistici e-commerce, servizi logistici ecommerce, servizi logistici al dettaglio, servizi logistici all’ingrosso, servizi logistici B2B e servizi logistici B2C.

Soluzioni di picking delle merci (servizi di picking).

Soluzioni per il confezionamento e l’imballaggio.

Consulenza per la fornitura logistica di materiali di imballaggio e riempimento.

Ampia gamma di soluzioni di trasporto e spedizione con servizi in contrassegno (COD) e non.

Servizi di gestione dei resi con controllo quantitativo e qualitativo, ripristino, rietichettatura e riconfezionamento.

Servizi a valore aggiunto (VAS) come il kitting.

Grazie alla qualità dei nostri servizi, il livello di servizio è superiore al 99,999% sia in termini di gestione logistica degli ordini in termini di quantità e qualità, sia in termini di precisione di inventario.

Il tutto, come stabilito in fase contrattuale con SLA, KPI, SOW, ILSA in base alle richieste del Tender (RFQ, ​​RFP, logistica RFI).

Per ulteriori informazioni relative alle soluzioni di e-commerce, fulfillment e-commerce, Fulfillment for Europe, fulfilment Italy, servizi logistici, contattateci tramite il modulo di richiesta cliente sul sito web: