eShop Logistic | Logistics and shipping for your ecommerce

E-commerce B2C Logistics: A Comprehensive Guide to Supply Chain and Fulfillment

In the digital age, e-commerce B2C (Business to Consumer) logistics has taken on a central role in determining the success of online businesses. The supply chain and fulfillment are key components of this process, directly influencing customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. In this article, we will delve into the importance of e-commerce B2C logistics, the role of the supply chain and fulfillment, and how multilingual customer service and full outsourcing can optimize business operations.

E-commerce B2C Logistics: Fundamentals and Importance

E-commerce B2C logistics encompasses all the activities required to manage and deliver products from producers to end consumers. This process includes inventory management, warehousing, packaging, shipping, and returns management. Well-orchestrated logistics are essential for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction, reducing delivery times, and minimizing operational costs.

The Supply Chain: Efficiency and Optimization

The supply chain is the backbone of e-commerce B2C logistics. It covers the entire journey of a product from production to final delivery. To optimize the supply chain, businesses must:

  1. Collaborate with Reliable Suppliers: Choosing reliable suppliers is crucial to ensure product quality and timely deliveries.
  2. Utilize Advanced Technologies: Supply chain management tools such as Order Management Systems (OMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software can help monitor and optimize the flow of goods.
  3. Adopt Flexible Sourcing Strategies: Implementing just-in-time or multi-sourcing strategies can help mitigate risks related to demand fluctuations and supply chain disruptions.
  4. Implement Reverse Logistics: Efficiently managing returns is vital for maintaining customer satisfaction and reducing costs.

Fulfillment: From Warehouse to Customer

Fulfillment encompasses all the operations needed to process an order, from receipt to delivery. The main steps in the fulfillment process include:

  1. Inventory Management: Continuously monitor inventory levels to avoid stockouts or overproduction.
  2. Picking and Packing: Accurately and promptly select and prepare products for shipment.
  3. Shipping: Partner with reliable couriers to ensure fast and secure deliveries.
  4. Returns Management: Implement efficient return policies to facilitate the return process and enhance customer experience.

Multilingual Customer Service: Global Support

In the context of e-commerce B2C, multilingual customer service is crucial for serving a global clientele. Effective customer service must be able to:

  1. Communicate in the Customer’s Language: Provide support in the customer’s native language to improve understanding and problem resolution.
  2. Resolve Issues in Real Time: Use multi-channel support platforms such as live chat, email, and phone to respond quickly to customer inquiries.
  3. Continuous Staff Training: Invest in ongoing training for staff to ensure high-quality service and keep up with the latest market trends.

Full Outsourcing: A Winning Strategy

Full outsourcing involves delegating all logistics operations to a specialized service provider. This approach offers numerous advantages:

  1. Reduction of Operational Costs: Outsourcing logistics operations helps reduce the fixed costs associated with in-house management.
  2. Access to Advanced Technologies: Outsourcing providers often use cutting-edge technologies to improve efficiency and accuracy in operations.
  3. Operational Flexibility: Full outsourcing provides the flexibility needed to scale operations according to seasonal demand or sales peaks.
  4. Focus on Core Business: Delegating logistics to experts allows companies to concentrate on strategic activities and product development.


E-commerce B2C logistics, with its intricate network of supply chain and fulfillment, is fundamental to the success of online businesses. Implementing efficient strategies and adopting full outsourcing solutions and multilingual customer service can significantly enhance business operations and customer satisfaction. Investing in e-commerce B2C logistics is not just a necessity, but a vital strategy for building a sustainable and customer-oriented business.

Logistics for eCommerce: A Complete Guide

What is logistics for eCommerce?

Logistics for eCommerce encompasses all the activities and services required to handle an order, from the handling of goods in the warehouse to the preparation and shipment of products via express courier, with the goal of ensuring customer satisfaction.


From the time of order to shipment

The process begins with the customer’s order, which, once placed and paid for, kicks off the logistics phase. This phase includes managing the warehouse, preparing packages, choosing a courier, and assisting the customer with any delivery problems.


The Role of Third Party Logistics (3PL).

3PL companies go beyond simple package preparation, offering a range of integrated logistics services. Efficient eCommerce logistics requires that all phases, from stock management to shipment organization, be well coordinated.


Main phases of logistics for eCommerce

  • Warehouse management: Includes goods handling, quality control and storage.
  • Order management: Includes order receipt, customer contact and confirmation.
  • Customer care and service: Provides ongoing customer support.
  • Shipping: Represents the final contact with the customer through the courier company.

The importance of synchronization

To ensure fast shipments and satisfied customers, all aspects of logistics must be synchronized. A well-organized warehouse is essential to prepare packages efficiently. Integration of computer systems is also crucial to avoid errors in addressing and order processing.

The steps in detail

  • Warehouse management: Involves check-in and storage of goods.
  • Parcel picking and preparation: Orders are picked and prepared for shipment.
  • Courier selection: The parcel is assigned to the most suitable courier company.
  • Order tracking and management: Includes tracking of shipments and management of inventory and claims.
  • Returns organization: Returns are managed and stock updated in real time.

Integration of physical and digital management

The digital aspect is crucial for the management of orders, customer relations, and shipments. A management system integrated with the online shop helps optimize the entire logistics process, from administration to the physical movement of goods.

Benefits of a 3PL

Relying on a 3PL offers significant advantages in terms of time, space and money. Outsourcing logistics allows complex tasks to be delegated to specialized personnel, reducing costs and improving operational efficiency.

Growth strategy through outsourcing

Outsourcing logistics allows you to cut costs associated with shipping and warehouse rent, benefiting from the economies of scale offered by 3PLs. This approach makes it possible to share goals and strategies with an experienced partner, fostering company growth.


Benchmark data on eCommerce in Italy.

Italian eCommerce is growing strongly, as confirmed by SAP’s 2019 report. B2C reached 35.65 billion euros, a 30 percent increase over 2018. Although only one in seven companies sells online, the potential for growth is huge, especially in the electronics, food and beverage, personal care, and apparel sectors.


Logistics challenges for Italian eCommerce

Logistics is a crucial aspect of eCommerce success. Online customers expect fast and reliable deliveries, flexible pickup options, and efficient tracking service. The challenge is to maintain a well-organized distribution system that keeps up with the needs of modern consumers.


Comparison of eCommerce logistics and traditional logistics

eCommerce logistics differs from traditional logistics in the need for speed and accuracy in delivery. Customizing shipments and managing demand fluctuations require a well-stocked and organized warehouse with an efficient picking system and advanced digital tools.

Key elements of logistics for eCommerce

  • Warehouse management: Organization and optimization of space.
  • Receiving goods: Checking and recording incoming goods.
  • Post checkout picking: Picking and preparation of orders.
  • Shipping: Delivery optimization and courier management.
  • Shipment tracking: Real-time tracking of packages.
  • Returns management: Efficiency in returns management.
  • Customer care: Continuous customer support.
  • Customer satisfaction: Monitoring and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Customer evaluation: Collection of user feedback and data.



Relying on a fulfillment company can simplify logistics management, allowing you to focus resources on your core business. In addition, dropshipping is an option for selling online without direct stock management.

In summary, efficient logistics is critical to eCommerce success. Integrating physical and digital management, along with working with experienced partners, can make all the difference in customer satisfaction and business growth.

Outsource your logistics to professionals and optimize your eCommerce operations today! Contact us to find out how we can support your business with customized and innovative solutions. Don’t let logistics management slow down your growth: request a free consultation and start turning your eCommerce into an even greater success!

Cosa è la logistica?

La logistica si riferisce al processo complessivo di gestione del modo in cui le risorse vengono acquisite, immagazzinate e trasportate alla loro destinazione finale. La gestione della logistica implica l’identificazione di potenziali distributori e fornitori e la determinazione della loro efficacia e accessibilità. I responsabili della logistica sono indicati come logisti.

“Logistica” era inizialmente un termine di carattere militare utilizzato in riferimento al modo in cui il personale militare otteneva, immagazzinava e spostava attrezzature e forniture.1 Il termine è ora ampiamente utilizzato nel settore commerciale, in particolare dalle aziende dei settori manifatturieri, per riferirsi a come le risorse vengono gestite e spostate lungo la catena di fornitura.

Considerazioni speciali

I compiti di cui è responsabile un logista variano a seconda dell’azienda. Le responsabilità primarie includono la supervisione e la gestione dell’inventario organizzando il trasporto appropriato e l’adeguato stoccaggio dell’inventario.

Un logista qualificato pianifica il processo logistico e coordina le fasi man mano che le scorte e le risorse si spostano lungo la catena di approvvigionamento.

La formazione specializzata nella gestione della catena di fornitura e nella logistica spesso comprende corsi di base o opzionali, o anche programmi di studio distinti, nella formazione aziendale. Una laurea in economia che enfatizzi queste competenze o, in alcuni casi, una laurea tecnica in analisi di sistemi o gestione di database, è solitamente necessaria per iniziare quella che è spesso una carriera ben retribuita come logista.

Che cos’è la logistica negli affari?

Negli affari, la logistica è il processo di trasporto e stoccaggio di materie prime, prodotti finiti, inventario e altre risorse. La logistica in un’azienda è generalmente costituita da molti componenti, tra cui il servizio clienti, la previsione della domanda, lo stoccaggio, la movimentazione dei materiali, il controllo dell’inventario, l’elaborazione degli ordini e il trasporto.

Perché la logistica è importante?

La logistica è fondamentale per i profitti di un’azienda. Consente la circolazione di materiali o merci, la soddisfazione dei contratti e l’adempimento dei servizi. Una gestione logistica efficace garantisce un movimento regolare lungo la catena di fornitura e può fornire un vantaggio competitivo.

Quali lavori sono disponibili nel settore della logistica?

Le carriere nella logistica possono includere camionista, rappresentante del servizio clienti, spedizioniere, agente di trasporto, responsabile della catena di fornitura, analista dei trasporti, responsabile degli appalti, logista e responsabile delle operazioni, tra gli altri. Una laurea in logistica o amministrazione aziendale sarà utile per molti ruoli nel settore della logistica, compreso quello di logista, una carriera che si prevede crescerà molto più rapidamente della media.4

La linea di fondo

Quando un’azienda ottimizza la propria logistica, migliora l’efficienza lungo tutti i punti della catena di fornitura. Capire come portare la risorsa giusta nel posto giusto al momento giusto può essere un elemento di differenziazione per un’azienda, poiché aggiunge valore al cliente e allo stesso tempo riduce i costi e aumenta i profitti.

eShop Logistic logistica ecommerce, logistica retail, logistica omnichannel, magazzinaggio, stoccaggio, spedizioni, trasporti, gestione resi, servizi a valore aggiunto, logistica italia. Ecommerce logistic, retail logistic, omnichannel logistic, warehousing, storage, shipments, transportation, return management, returns management, logistic italy, value added services.

Per maggiori info:

Gestione dei Resi – Returns Management

La logistica ecommerce deve essere anche specializzata nella gestione dei resi.

L’ecommerce fulfillment provider deve essere in grado, se richiesto, di fornire soluzioni per le spedizioni dei resi dal cliente finale al proprio DC.

Le spedizioni di reso, verranno scaricate, ricevute, posizionate in area di accettazione.

I colli/buste verranno aperti e processati come da accordi con il merchant: gli articoli resi verranno scansionati, controllati e nel caso verrà eseguito il controllo qualità di vari livelli.

La gestione dei resi ecommerce può prevedere il ricondizionamento, stiraggio, etichettatura, reimballaggio, pulizia, smacchiamento, ecc.

I resi vendibili verranno poi posizionati nella nuova ubicazione di prelievo, pronti per una nuova vendita online.

I resi non vendibili verranno messi in una zona di quarantena, oppure su accordo con merchant inviati per lo smaltimento o riparazione.

Servizio fotografico a disposizione per trasmettere lo status dei resi ecommerce al venditore online.

VAS sono possibili in fase di controllo dei resi da vendite online.

eShop Logistic logistica ecommerce, logistica retail, logistica omnichannel, magazzinaggio, stoccaggio, spedizioni, trasporti, gestione resi, servizi a valore aggiunto, logistica italia. Ecommerce logistic, retail logistic, omnichannel logistic, warehousing, storage, shipments, transportation, return management, returns management, logistic italy, value added services.

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