eShop Logistic | Logistics and shipping for your ecommerce

e-commerce logistic Italy? Reverse logistic Italy?

eShop Logistic: the ideal 3PL partner for e-commerce Logistic in Italy, B2B Logistic and Transport

Founded by 5 leading entrepreneurs in innovative logistic solutions, with 30 years of experience,  (ESL) is the ideal partner for Fulfillment, Supply Chain and Transport projects in Italy and internationally.

Thanks to its offices in Milan, Rome and a Worldwide Network with +30 sites, ESL offers B2C (D2C) eCommerce logistic solutions, B2B logistic, Retail logistic, Wholesale logistic and Marketplace logistic, and manages from the smallest and simplest projects, which require flexible logistic partners to grow, to the largest and most complex projects where KPIs, peak management and internationalization are fundamental factors.

Management of high-quality and customized Omnichannel logistic projects, in addition to standard processes:

  • Inbound: unloading goods, quality and quantity control
  • Storage: pallets, shelves, hanging garments
  • Picking and order management
  • Packing and packaging supply
  • Returns management – ​​reverse logistics: quality and quantity control, value-added services
  • VAS: labeling, batch registration, expiry dates, customization, kits, etc.
  • Shipping: FTL, LTL, express, postal, cash on delivery (COD), cross-docking, drop-shipping.

Advanced cloud IT systems (WMS, TMS, CRM) provide the possibility of extrapolating data and statistics in real time.

Industries Served: Fashion, Luxury, Cosmetics, Healthcare and dietary products, Tech, Merchandising, Dry food, etc.

Are you a foreign company looking for e-commerce logistics in Italy?

Are you a company on the national territory and are you looking for ecommerce logistic in Parma, e-commerce logistic in Milan, e-commerce logistic in Turin, or in any case on the national territory?

Are you a company in the online sales sector and are you looking for a company specialized in returns logistic in Italy (reverse logistic in Italy)?

eShop Logistic Srl – It’s the right solution for you!

eShop Logistic: il partner 3PL ideale di Logistica e-commerce in italia, Logistica B2B e Trasporti

Fondata da 5 imprenditori leader in soluzioni logistiche innovative, con 30 anni di esperienza, (ESL) è il partner ideale per progetti di Fulfillment, Supply Chain e Trasporti in Italia ed a livello internazionale.

Grazie alle proprie sedi a Milano, Roma e Network Mondiale con +30 siti, ESL offre soluzioni di logistica eCommerce B2C (D2C), logistica B2B, logistica Retail, logistica Wholesale e logistica per Marketplace, e gestisce dai progetti più piccoli e semplici, che richiedono partner logistici flessibili per crescere, ai progetti più grandi e complessi dove KPI, gestione dei picchi ed internazionalizzazione sono fattori fondamentali.

Gestione di progetti logistici Omnichannel di alta qualità e su misura, si aggiungono a processi standard:

  • Inbound: scarico merci, controlli qualità, quantità
  • Stoccaggio: bancale, scaffale, capi appesi
  • Picking e gestione degli ordini
  • Packing e fornitura di imballaggi
  • Gestione dei resi – reverse logistic: controlli qualità, quantità, servizi a valore aggiunto
  • VAS: etichettatura, registrazione lotti, scadenze, personalizzazione, kit, ecc.
  • Spedizioni: FTL, LTL, espresse, postali, contrassegni (COD), cross-docking, drop-shipping.

Sistemi IT evoluti in cloud (WMS, TMS, CRM) danno possibilità di estrapolare dati e statistiche in tempo reale.

Industrie Servite: Moda, Luxury, Cosmetica, Healthcare e prodotti dietetici, Tech, Merchandising, Alimentari secchi, ecc.

Siete un’azienda estera e cercate una logistica ecommerce in Italia?

Siete un’azienda sul territorio nazionale e cercate una logistica e-commerce a Parma, una logistica ecommerce a Milano, una logistica ecommerce a Torino, o comunque sul territorio nazionale?

Siete una realtà del settore vendite online e siete alla ricerca di una azienda specializzata nella logistica dei resi in Italia?

eShop Logistic Srl – E’ la soluzione giusta per voi!

What is full outsourcing logistic?

What is full outsourcing logistic in Italy ?

The full outsourcing service in the e-commerce market means a complete 360-degree service for companies that intend to start or completely outsource their online sales activities, whether B2C or B2B. Digital companies organize the creation of e-commerce sites, the management of web marketing, graphic management, the use of specific platforms for the management of online orders, the management of payments and related collections, the management of operational services such as : customer service, full outsourcing logistic, shipping, returns management and value-added services such as customization, kitting , boundling , photographic sets, etc. is essential for the full outsourcing online sales sector.

What is ecommerce logistic in Italy?

Revenues in the eCommerce market are expected to reach $65 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 10% year-on-year through 2030. In the eCommerce market, the number of users will amount to approximately 26 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 40% in 2024 and is expected to reach 46% by 2030. As a result, Ecommerce logistic italy is essential for managing online sales flows in the e-commerce market Italy. Ecommerce logistic Italy therefore provides for all those operational activities such as: receiving goods in inbound e-commerce , e-commerce storage , e-commerce picking , packing ecommerce , ecommerce packaging, ecommerce shipping management , ecommerce returns management .

What is e-Commerce Logistic Italy?

Revenues in the e-Commerce market are expected to reach $65 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 10% year-on-year through 2030. In the e-Commerce market, the number of users is expected to amount to approximately 26 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 40% in 2024 and is expected to reach 46% by 2030. As a result, e-commerce logistic Italy is fundamental for managing online sales flows in the Italian e-commerce market. E-commerce logistic Italy therefore includes all those operational activities such as: inbound e-commerce goods reception, e-commerce storage, e-commerce picking, e-commerce packing , e-commerce packaging, management of e-commerce shipments, management of e-commerce returns.

What is B2C Logistic Italy?

Revenues in the B2C market are expected to reach $65 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 10% year-on-year through 2030. In the B2C market, the number of users will amount to approximately 26 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 40% in 2024 and is expected to reach 46% by 2030. As a result b2c logistic italy is essential for managing online sales flows in the Italian B2C market. B2c logistic Italy therefore includes all those operational activities such as: B2C inbound goods reception, B2C storage, B2C picking, B2C packing , B2C packaging, B2C shipment management, B2C returns management.

What is ecommerce logistic Milan?

Revenues in the eCommerce market in Milan are expected to reach $6 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 8% year-on-year through 2030. In the eCommerce market in Milan, the number of users is expected to amount to approximately 3 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 35% in 2024 and is expected to reach 40% by 2030. Consequently, ecommerce logistic milan is essential for manage online sales flows in the Milan ecommerce market . ecommerce logistic milan therefore includes all those operational activities such as: receiving goods in inbound ecommerce , ecommerce storage, ecommerce picking , packing ecommerce , ecommerce packaging , management of ecommerce shipments , management of ecommerce returns , to be carried out in the Milan area.

What is e-commerce logistic milan?

Revenues in the e-Commerce market in Milan are expected to reach $6 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 8% year-on-year through 2030. In the e-Commerce market Commerce in Milan, the number of users is expected to amount to approximately 3 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 35% in 2024 and is expected to reach 40% by 2030. As a result, e-commerce logistic milan is essential for managing online sales flows in the Milan e-commerce market. E-commerce logistic milan therefore includes all those operational activities such as: inbound e-commerce goods reception, e-commerce storage, e-commerce picking, e-commerce packing , e-commerce packaging, management of e-commerce shipments, management of e-commerce returns, to be carried out in the Milan area.

What is B2C Logistic Milan?

Revenue in the b2c market in Milan is expected to reach $6 billion in 2024. Revenue is expected to show a growth rate of approximately 8% year-on-year through 2030. In the b2c market in Milan, it is expected that the number of users will amount to approximately 3 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 35% in 2024 and is expected to reach 40% by 2030. Consequently, b2c logistic milan is essential for managing the online sales flows in the Milan b2c market. B2C logistic milan therefore includes all those operational activities such as: B2C inbound goods reception, B2C storage, B2C picking, B2C packing , B2C packaging, B2C shipment management, B2C returns management, to be carried out in the Milan area.

What is ecommerce logistic Parma ?

Revenues in the eCommerce market in Parma are expected to reach $1 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 5% year-on-year through 2030. In the eCommerce market in Parma, yes predicts that the number of users will amount to approximately 100,000 users by 2030. User penetration will be 30% in 2024 and is expected to reach 41% by 2030. Consequently, ecommerce logistic parma is essential for managing flows of online sales in the Parma e-commerce market . ecommerce logistic parma therefore includes all those operational activities such as: receiving goods in inbound e-commerce , e-commerce storage , e-commerce picking , packing ecommerce , ecommerce packaging , management of ecommerce shipments , management of ecommerce returns , to be carried out in the Parma area.

What is e-commerce logistic parma?

Revenue in the e-Commerce market in Parma is expected to reach $1 billion in 2024. Revenue is expected to show a growth rate of approximately 5% year-on-year through 2030. In the e-Commerce market in Parma, the number of users is expected to amount to approximately 100,000 users by 2030. User penetration will be 30% in 2024 and is expected to reach 41% by 2030. As a result, E-commerce Logistic Parma is be fundamental for managing online sales flows in the Parma e-commerce market. E-commerce logistic parma therefore includes all those operational activities such as: inbound e-commerce goods reception, e-commerce storage, e-commerce picking, e -commerce packing , e-commerce packaging, management of e-commerce shipments, management of e-commerce returns, to be carried out in the Parma area.

What is B2C Logistic Parma?

Revenues in the B2C market in Parma are expected to reach $1 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 5% year-on-year through 2030. In the B2C market in Parma, the number of users will amount to approximately 100,000 users by 2030. User penetration will be 30% in 2024 and is expected to reach 41% by 2030. Consequently, B2C Logistic Parma is fundamental for managing online sales flows in the B2C market Parma. B2C logistic parma therefore includes all those operational activities such as: inbound e-commerce goods reception, e-commerce storage, e-commerce picking, e-commerce packing , e-commerce packaging, e-commerce shipment management, returns management e-commerce, to be carried out in the Parma area.

What is ecommerce logistic turin?

Revenue in the eCommerce market in Turin is expected to reach $2 billion in 2024. Revenue is expected to show a growth rate of approximately 4% year-on-year through 2030. In the eCommerce market in Turin, the number of users is expected to amount to approximately 2 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 30% in 2024 and is expected to reach 35% by 2030. Consequently, ecommerce logistic turin is essential for manage online sales flows in the Turin e-commerce market ecommerce logistic turin therefore includes all those operational activities such as: receiving goods in inbound ecommerce , ecommerce storage, ecommerce picking , packing ecommerce , ecommerce packaging , management of ecommerce shipments , management of ecommerce returns , to be carried out in the Turin area.

What is e-commerce logistic turin?

Revenues in the e-Commerce market in Turin are expected to reach $2 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 4% year-on-year through 2030. In the e-Commerce market Commerce in Turin, the number of users is expected to amount to approximately 2 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 30% in 2024 and is expected to reach 35% by 2030. As a result, e-commerce logistic turin is essential for managing online sales flows in the Turin e-commerce market. E-commerce logistic turin therefore includes all those operational activities such as: inbound e-commerce goods reception, e-commerce storage, e-commerce picking, e-commerce packing , e-commerce packaging, management of e-commerce shipments, management of e-commerce returns, to be carried out in the Turin area.

What is b2c logistic Turin?

Revenues in the B2C market in Turin are expected to reach $2 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 4% year-on-year through 2030. In the B2C market in Turin, the number of users will amount to approximately 2 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 30% in 2024 and is expected to reach 35% by 2030. Consequently, b2c logistic turin is essential for managing the flows of online sales in the Turin B2C market. B2c logistic turin therefore includes all those operational activities such as: B2C inbound goods reception, B2C storage, B2C picking, B2C packing, B2C packaging, B2C shipment management, B2C returns management, to be carried out in the Turin area.

What is full outsourcing logistic in Italy ?

The full outsourcing service in the e-commerce market means a complete 360-degree service for companies that intend to start or completely outsource their online sales activities, whether B2C or B2B. Digital companies organize the creation of e-commerce sites, the management of web marketing, graphic management, the use of specific platforms for the management of online orders, the management of payments and related collections, the management of operational services such as : customer service, full outsourcing logistic, shipping, returns management and value-added services such as customization, kitting , boundling , photographic sets, etc. is essential for the full outsourcing online sales sector.

What is ecommerce fulfillment italy ?

Revenues in the eCommerce market are expected to reach $65 billion in 2024. Revenues are expected to show a growth rate of approximately 10% year-on-year through 2030. In the eCommerce market, the number of users will amount to approximately 26 million users by 2030. User penetration will be 40% in 2024 and is expected to reach 46% by 2030. As a result, Ecommerce fulfillment italy is essential for managing online sales flows in the e-commerce market Italy. Ecommerce fulfillment Italy therefore provides for all those operational activities such as: receiving goods in inbound e-commerce , e-commerce storage , e-commerce picking , packing ecommerce , ecommerce packaging, ecommerce shipping management , ecommerce returns management .

What is e-commerce fulfillment italy ?

The full outsourcing service in the e-commerce market means a complete 360-degree service for companies that intend to start or completely outsource their online sales activities, whether B2C or B2B. Digital companies organize the creation of e-commerce sites, the management of web marketing, graphic management, the use of specific platforms for the management of online orders, the management of payments and related collections, the management of operational services such as : customer service, full outsourcing fulfillment, shipping, returns management and value-added services such as customization, kitting , boundling , photographic sets, etc. full outsourcing fulfillment it is essential for the full outsourcing online sales sector.

What is b2c fulfillment italy ?

The full outsourcing service in the e-commerce market means a complete 360-degree service for companies that intend to start or completely outsource their online sales activities, whether B2C or B2B. Digital companies organize the creation of e-commerce sites, the management of web marketing, graphic management, the use of specific platforms for the management of online orders, the management of payments and related collections, the management of operational services such as : customer service, full outsourcing fulfillment, shipping, returns management and value-added services such as customization, kitting , boundling , photographic sets, etc. full outsourcing fulfillment it is essential for the full outsourcing online sales sector.

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e-commerce logistics Italy , e-commerce logistics Italy , b2c logistics Italy , e-commerce logistics Milan , e-commerce logistics Milan , b2c logistics Milan , e- commerce logistics Parma, e-commerce logistics Parma, b2c logistics Parma, e- commerce logistics Turin , e-commerce logistics Turin , B2C logistics Turin , returns management Italy , reverse logistics Italy, ecommerce fulfillment Italy, e-commerce fulfillment Italy, b2c fulfillment Italy

What is B2C Logistic?

What is B2C Logistics?

For B2C Logistic italy e B2C fulfillment italy (but also in the world in general) means all the processes and operational flows connected to the world of online sales and its mobile and immovable structures: 1) IT aspects; 2) management methods and flows of goods, whether these are in warehouses or along the directives to and from the same with the mobile and immovable structures containing goods and flows.

1) For IT aspects, we consider management systems such as WMS, TMS, ERP, OMS, CRM that are able to manage the flows and data of goods sold online.

Obviously, the electrical, electronic and data structures necessary to bring the data to the IT systems are connected to these.

Software and Hardware and related Capex are an integral part of the “IT Structure”.

In this case, with its advanced and innovative cloud computing systems, it can be the ideal partner for managing the smallest to the largest and most complicated projects.

Management of every logistic flow with a warehouses management system (WMS) suitable for a wide variety of customer needs.

INBOUND management with quality and quantity control, unloading containers, pallets, packages, FTL, LTL and hanging garments.

Put-away management.

Wide range of STORAGE solutions: on shelves, hanging garment, on pallet racks.
Professional order and OUTBOUND management, Pick & Pack, simple and complex packing action, returns management and reconditioning (e.g., washing, ironing, steaming, etc.).
Specific on-demand and value-added services (kit assembly, printing and inserting cards and personalized gift wrapping, stitching, etc.).
Supply of neutral and customized PACKAGING, filling materials, shrink-wrapping, filming, etc. We can offer greenfield solutions.

To know more about ecommerce logistic italye-commerce logistic italy,  ecommerce fulfillment italye-commerce fulfillment italy contact us!

1) By management methods and flows of goods, we mean all the operational actions necessary for the management of items subject to eCommerce sales. We are talking about the following flows:

  • Inbound: unloading goods, quality and quantity controls, incoming VAS services, put-a-way, batch and deadline management;
  • Warehousing Logistic services: on shelf structures; pallet racks; on the ground; hanging garment structures; automated structures such as Shuttle systems, Autostore and similar structures. With storage management, obviously, inventory management activities and related services are also included, as well as the necessary physical structures such as warehouses and adjacent management areas.
  • Picking: manual or automated picking;
  • Packing: order preparation and packaging action;
  • Packaging: management of packaging materials;
  • Order management: various types of order management including specific packaging actions; greeting cards; kitting; vas; etc.
  • Gestione returns logistic italy or reverse logistic italy: returns acceptance; quality and quality controls; goods restoration; repackaging; value-added services such as ironing, stain removal, labelling, etc.
  • Trasportation and ecommerce shipments of goods: by courier, freight forwarders, groupage, loose, parcel, full load, partial load, shipments with postal carriers, cash on delivery solutions, insurance, etc. and related means of transport, whether road, sea, rail, air.
  • Even in this case can help.
  • We are not suppliers, we are your logistic colleagues, ready to work alongside you to optimize flows, costs and get the most out of your operations and offer you the best warehouse services and the most innovative integrated logistics solutions.
  • You will have to focus on your commercial, marketing and strategic activities, the rest, i.e. the logistics, shipping, customer service and value-added services part will be managed by us as if we ourselves were part of your reality!
  • We manage sales-specific logistics solutions through MARKETPLACE.
  • We are as scalable as your company needs to be: we can increase and decrease staff with organization and an eye on costs. We can handle your needs with multiple daily shifts, work 24/7 and perfect peak management.
  • We are also available to use WMS of our customers.

You can have more information on logistic services italy and abroad and fulfillment services italy and abroad visiting the social links:


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Logistics and Fulfillment services for health, nutrition, dietary products, food supplements

Logistics and Fulfillment services for health, nutrition, dietary products, food supplements

Statistics show that the estimated and projected size of the total global dietary supplement market from 2016 to 2026 will generate approximately US$308 billion worldwide.

Consumers are finding alternatives to traditional retail with direct-to-consumer brands, especially in the health, nutrition, dietary supplement and dietary markets.

It’s a growing global trend!

If you are looking to grow your online health, nutrition, food and dietary supplement business, it may be time to partner with a logistics and fulfillment company like .

What is the food industry?

As Wikipedia mentions : A dietary supplement is a product intended to supplement a person’s diet by taking a pill , capsule , tablet , powder, or liquid. A supplement can provide nutrients extracted from food sources or synthetic ones (to increase the amount consumed). Classes of nutrient compounds found in supplements include vitamins , minerals , fiber , fatty acids , and amino acids . Dietary supplements may also contain substances that have not been confirmed as essential for life, and are therefore not nutrients in themselves, but are marketed as having a beneficial biological effect, such as plant pigments or polyphenols . Animals can also be a source of ingredients for supplements, such as collagen from chickens or fish . These are also sold individually and in combination and can be combined with nutritional ingredients. The European Commission has also established harmonized standards to help ensure that food supplements are safe and properly labelled.

What is health and nutrition satisfaction?

The Health and Nutrition Logistics and Fulfillment service refers to the collection, packaging and shipping of health and nutritional goods, such as meal replacements, protein powders, protein shakes, energy drinks and more.

Fulfillment and Logistics services for dietary products

fulfillment and logistics services for dietary products (such as powdered shakes, proteins, energy drinks) require particular attention: it is necessary to take into consideration an adequate storage environment, optimized picking and packaging methods (i.e., first in, first out) and ensure safe and reliable shipping. offers logistics and fulfillment solutions for dietary products that allow brands to worry less about inventory management and be confident that their products will be handled with high quality and safe services (example: management of batches and dates of expiration).

Quality control and batch management

It is important to stay up to date on the quality control of health and nutritional products. offers lot management to better monitor expiration dates in the event of a recall.

The challenges of shipping health and nutritional products

Fulfilling and shipping orders for health and nutrition products poses more challenges than other products such as clothing, jewelry, books, etc. When selling health-related products and diet or nutritional products online, you need to consider additional regulations, quality control, and safety measures.

ESL allows you to separate items by lot number. When you send us a lot, we will not store it together with other items not belonging to the lot or with other lots of the same item. Our software logic is designed to always ship items with the most recent batch expiration date.

A fantastic unboxing experience

When it comes to purchasing health, diet, supplements and nutritional products online, the unboxing experience is part of the product customers purchase. ESL can help you maintain the highest quality by offering different packaging options for any need.

International shipments

Shipping to just one country is one thing, but shipping worldwide can be a difficult challenge. Expanding internationally can allow your business to grow at a faster rate than in your home market and allow you to build a global customer base. takes this into account and can advise you on how logistics can help you expand faster abroad, also managing cash on delivery services (COD – Cash on Delivery).

We offer express shipping solutions, same day delivery, postal shipping or LTL transportation and solutions that guarantee a memorable unboxing experience, offers a wide range of high-tech retail order fulfillment services using WMS software, online TMS.

Management of subscription orders

One of the great things about health and nutrition subscriptions is that they help people stay on top of their health routine. For the brand, subscription orders are a great way to not only get your customers to convert, but also lock in recurring revenue.

By implementing a subscription strategy or recurring order model, you can ship products to your customers on a regular, pre-determined basis.

Grow your supplement, health, food and beverage business with ‘s specialized logistics, fulfillment and order management services , designed to meet the complex needs of the wellness industry.

Our approach combines cutting-edge technology and industry expertise to provide solutions that are not only efficient, but also customized to the specific needs of manufacturers, retailers and B2C end customers.

We manage eCommerce logistics services, retail logistics, B2B logistics, eCommerce logistics, B2B logistics, B2C logistics with a focus on the relevant sectors: unloading of goods, registration of batches and deadlines, attention to certifications and permits, management of storage on pallets or shelves with or without humidity and temperature control depending on needs, characteristics of the goods and in compliance with regulations. Picking management, packaging services, supply of specific packaging, cash on delivery (COD) shipping services, returns management service, VAS, cross docking, drop shipping and much more.

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Logistic services for Fashion Italy, Fulfillment services for Fashion Italy

Logistics in the fashion/clothing sector: roles and different types of logistics

Logistics for Fashion, Clothing and Accessories, Footwear, Luxury, Costume Jewelry, Lifestyle and Sports Items.

INBOUND logistics, INVENTORY management, STORAGE, TRANSPORT AND SHIPPING, B2C Fulfillment Italy , B2C Fulfillment Europe , Fashion Logistics Italy and so on are critical aspects of a SUPPLY CHAIN in the fashion, apparel , luxury , footwear, sporting goods, costume jewelry accessories or clothing sectors in general.

Manage the complexities of order fulfillment with apparel logistics and fulfillment services, fashion logistics Italy, accessories logistics services Italy, e-commerce logistic services Italy, retail logistic services Italy, wholesale logistics Italy, B2C DTC e-commerce logistics services Italy, involves managing several challenges.

Ensuring product quality throughout the entire order management and fulfillment process is critical due to the competitive nature of the industry.

Effectively addressing these challenges is essential to maintaining brand reputation and customer trust in the dynamic logistics landscape of the fashion industry. with its highly specialized and customizable Fulfillment services in Italy and Europe helps companies and brands reach international markets with quality and economically sustainable results.

Inbound services, quality and quantity control, warehousing services (put a-way), storage services for hung and hung garments, picking services, packaging actions, supply of ad hoc packaging for hung and hung shipments, returns management with reconditioning and vas .

Our logistics and fulfillment services also handle luxury products and costume jewelry through a boutique logistics approach.

Types of logistics and their roles in the Fashion, Clothing and Accessories, Footwear, Luxury, Costume Jewelry, Lifestyle and Sports Items sectors.

This industry requires a heavy reliance on logistics to move clothing around the world.

Therefore, logistics plays a vital role in the fashion/apparel industry.

Below are different types of logistics and their role in the apparel industry and above-mentioned sectors.

Warehousing , Storage, Inventory Management

Warehousing is an important function in the logistics industry. It meets the need of storing and packing and shipping goods. Automation and technology play a critical role in warehouse success.

The role of warehousing is fundamental in the fashion and clothing industry because garments must be carefully selected and stored according to sizes, colors and other specifications. Such organized storage ensures efficient order picking. Alternatively, for some items, maintaining the right temperature and humidity is also essential. offers a wide range of STORAGE solutions: on shelves, with structures for hanging garments, on pallets.
Professional management of orders and OUTBOUND, Pick & Pack, simple and complex packaging action, management and reconditioning of returns (e.g. washing, ironing, steaming, etc.). Specific services on request and with added value (kit assembly, printing and insertion personalized cards and gift packaging, stitching, etc.). Supply of neutral and personalized PACKAGING, filling materials, heat shrinking , filming , etc.

Transport and Shipping

Transportation deals with the movement of raw materials and finished products. Many times goods cover a long journey through warehouses, distribution centers, retailers and so on. Various modes of transportation such as trucks, ships and air cargo. Furthermore, in the case of interstate transportation and import-export, the documentation must be solid to ensure smooth movement.

Thanks to our. experience of over 30 years , to our. partners, to our solutions, we are the experts in the world of b2c and b2b e-commerce shipping .

We will not ONLY provide you with a single solution, but we will propose countless ones to identify the best solutions for your needs, be they price, quality of service, type of service or delivery time.

We will act as your personal consultants to find the best solutions for you!

Starting from a single shipping management system (TMS), you will have the possibility to use most national and international couriers.

With a single integration you will open the doors of the world to your activities: shipments of envelopes, packages, groupage, LTL, FTL, Container, we are ready to assist you.

We will offer you solutions with express couriers, postal solutions, same day delivery, low cost insurance, cash on delivery management (Cash on Delivery – COD), shuttles and much more.

We can customize SMS, emails, messages during the shipping life.

We offer Cross Docking Italia and Drop Shipping Italia services of the highest level

Reverse logistics, returns management

Reverse logistics includes logistics activities involved in returning goods for any reason, including exchange, damage, repair, etc. Reverse logistics plays a crucial role in the e-commerce supply chain as customer satisfaction is closely associated with it.

Role of reverse logistics in the fashion industry :

With e-commerce, customers may order the wrong size or the color may not match their expectations. In these cases, customers exchange or return products and reverse logistics comes into play. Reverse logistics can be expensive for the company, but it is directly related to customer satisfaction. Therefore, the efficiency of reverse logistics is extremely important to the success of the company.

Returns management

Returns management is a process of managing returned goods. It may involve repair, refurbishment and replenishment. The process depends on the reason for the return. For example, if goods are returned due to damage, they must be repaired before restocking.

Role of returns management in the fashion/apparel industry :

When managing returns for apparel or apparel companies, you need to handle items returned due to sizing issues, defects, or customer preferences. These garments need to be replenished after the required treatment.

Thanks to our logistics and fulfillment solutions , we can better manage e-commerce and B2B returns: home collection, end-to-end tracking, acceptance of returns, quality control, quantity control, item restoration, re -labelling, re-packing, stain removal, reconciliation and value-added services on request.

Each process is automatically recorded in our WMS IT system for complete visibility of your returns.

Available to use WMS of our customers and third parties to manage returns logistics in the most personalized way possible.

On-time management of returns offering complete end-to-end visibility and transparency with particular attention to the management of returns from Marketplaces and offering a single management point from all sales channels ( Omnichannel Logistics ).

Possibility of cross-docking, consolidation, drop-shipping solutions with reshipment of returns on pallets or cardboard pallets to third-party logistics structures, including abroad.

Optimization of returns flows, reduction of logistics costs and development of more sustainable fulfillment processes.

TAGS: E-commerce logistics Italy , e-commerce logistics Italy , b2c logistics Italy , b2b logistics Italy , e-commerce fulfillment Italy , e- commerce fulfillment Italy , b2c fulfillment Italy , b2b fulfillment Italy , e-commerce logistics Milan , e-commerce logistics Milan , B2C logistics Milan , B2B logistics Milan , e -commerce logistics Parma, e-commerce logistics Parma, B2C logistics Parma, B2B logistics Parma, fashion logistics Italy , fashion logistics Milan , fashion logistics Parma, fashion logistics Florence, Rome logistics , e-commerce logistics Turin , Turin e-commerce logistics , fulfillment ecommerce Turin , e-commerce fulfillment Turin , fashion returns management in Italy , fashion reverse logistics in Italy , fashion reverse fulfillment in Italy , fashion logistics in Italy , fashion logistics in Parma, fashion logistics in Milan

Cross Docking Drop Shipping (ESL) offers Cross Docking and Drop Shipment services on Italian territory and internationally.

We offer logistics and supply chain services such as: unloading, reloading, courier relabelling, reshipping, specific management of foreign returns, consolidation, logistics hub services for foreign partners, dedicating specific warehouse areas and allowing the installation of IT systems (WMS, TMS) of third parties.

But let’s get into the details…

A. What is Drop Shipping ?

Drop shipping, as indicated by Wikipedia, is an innovative supply chain management activity in which merchants do not store goods in warehouses, but send customer orders and shipment data and information to a manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer who will undertake to send the goods directly to the final recipients.

Primary features Drop Shipping

  • Merchants do not need to manage goods in the warehouse, thus reducing storage costs and operational complexities.
  • Merchants purchase goods from suppliers only after customers have placed orders.

Advantages of drop shipping

  • Scalability and flexibility;
  • Lower risk and financial commitment;
  • Reduced overhead costs;
  • Greater variety of products;
  • Geographic expansion ;

Drop shipping limitations

  • Dependence on suppliers;
  • Limited control over inventory and fulfillment;
  • Lower profit margins;

B. What is Cross Docking ?

Cross docking is a logistics strategy that simplifies the shipment of goods from suppliers to customers. The cross docking process, as indicated by Wikipedia , involves minimal handling and storage time. Cross dock occurs in a logistics or fulfillment warehouse in Italy , fulfillment in Europe , Fulfillment in the world. They can order, consolidate and reroute goods based on customer orders or destination locations.

Main features of Cross Docking

Cross docking is commonly used to consolidate shipments from multiple suppliers into single outbound deliveries.

Advantages of cross-docking

  • Improved inventory management;
  • Optimized transport;
  • Flexibility;
  • Reduced inventory costs;
  • Greater efficiency;

Cross-docking limitations

  • Risk of errors: The fast-paced nature of cross-docking increases the risk of errors, inaccuracies and damage during management.
  • Greater dependence on transport;
  • Coordination complexity;

Final thoughts

Choosing between Cross Docking vs Drop Shipping is a difficult decision. Cross docking offers rapid movement of goods and is ideal for high-volume shipments. Drop shipping, on the other hand, offers flexibility and scalability by eliminating inventory management.

For more information, contact us via the customer inquiry form

Logistics, Fulfillment & Supply Chain: Definitions and Services by eShop Logistic ESL

LOGISTICS, FULFILLMENT AND SUPPLY CHAIN: ESL DEFINITIONS AND SERVICES and its Fulfillment for Europe , Fulfillment for USA , Fulfillment for Italy , Fulfillment for Asia , Fulfillment for Americas Network is able to offer services for various types of companies, from the largest to the smallest ones , also for start-up ecommerce projects but with compelling prospects or famous brands. offers a wide range of B2B logistics solutions and B2C logistics solutions (business-to-business and business-to-consumer), a sector that records significant growth values year after year.

The success of B2C is due to the increase in online purchases (from web and mobile), the development of new payment and shipping services and specialized solutions and companies for the sector.

B2B ecommerce fulfillment solutions concern operational logistics and supply chain solutions between commercial companies, be they suppliers or professional customers located at different points of the production chain.

An innovative, professional and advanced logistics company allows industrial and commercial entities to extend their range of action nationally and internationally without having to invest in new sales points or human resources .

ESL ( provides professional operational management of logistics and fulfillment flows in Italy and around the world. (ESL) offers national shipping and international shipping services for B2C and B2B ecommerce through postal services, semi-postal services, drop shipping, cross docking, shipments with express couriers or shipping services.

On Demand it is possible to request cash on delivery (COD) payment services, ad hoc insurance, sending WhatsApp and SMS messages, emails, deliveries by appointment, deliveries to floors, porterage, same day delivery, deliveries with white gloves and much more. even more!

We provide warehousing services and goods storage services , guaranteeing quantity and quality controls on both incoming and outgoing goods.

We also provide storage in pallet places and on shelves or for hanging items.
We deal with pick & pack , i.e. logistical activities of picking up goods, order management, packaging, kitting, labelling, personalisation, gift packages and ad hoc solutions designed to guarantee the best purchasing and shipping experience for the end customer.

The order management service is carried out using scanners and innovative IT technologies, in order to guarantee precision and punctuality.

We pack goods of various types and sectors, even with requests for specific services such as personalized packaging, in series, with gift wrapping, silk paper, gift cards, management of serial numbers, management of batches and deadlines, etc.

We manage shipments with track & trace of goods (i.e. the goods monitoring system) with import/export declarations and customs management.

We guarantee an exceptional solution for the management of national and international returns, correlated with accurate checks, reporting and subsequent reconditioning of the packaging.

It is also possible to request extra services such as:

  • customization of sports clothing with logos, graphics or numbers;
  • label production;
  • sewing, embroidery, ironing, steaming, quality and safety seals;
  • production of photos and videos for e-commerce sites, in collaboration with established Italian and foreign studios (taking care, as necessary, of recruiting male and female models and choosing the locations);\
  • compilation of product technical data sheets, including photos taken at our facility.

Supply chain

What does supply chain mean?

As indicated on Wikipedia (and as reported below from the same source): Supply Chain means a supply chain, i.e. a complex logistical system made up of structures that convert raw materials into finished products and distribute them to final consumers (B2C) or to end customers (B2B).

Meanwhile, Supply Chain Management deals with the flow of goods within the supply chain in the most efficient way.

In sophisticated supply chain systems, used products can re-enter the supply chain at any point where the residual value is recyclable.

Supply chains connect value chains.

Suppliers in a supply chain are often classified by “tier”, with first-tier suppliers supplying directly to the customer, second-tier suppliers supplying to the first tier, and so on.

The phrase “Supply Chain” may have first appeared in a 1905 article in The Independent which briefly mentions the difficulty of “keeping an unbroken chain of supply with India” during the British expedition to Tibet.

The distribution chain therefore does not only concern the internal organization of the company, but also the coordination with suppliers and sub-contractors.


What does Fulfillment mean?

As indicated by Wikipedia (and as we report below thanks to the same source): fulfillment Fulfillment house and Fulfillment Center (in British English: Fulfillment House and Fulfillment Center ) are modern terms to indicate a packaging warehouse . The terms were coined in the mid-1990s: “fulfillment center” usually refers to an in-house packaging warehouse, while “fulfillment house” tends to be used for companies that specialize in contract warehousing and packaging.


Origin of the term

The use of the word “fulfilment” in relation to freight shipments derives from the terms “order fulfillment” and “product fulfillment”, introduced by business management researchers analyzing supply chains in the late 1980s. This concept was soon picked up by public relations people working for packing warehouse companies, who felt that “distribution center” or “distribution house” sounded more positive and active than the old term “warehouse.” The terms are still so new and unknown outside that industry that “warehouse” is often added in parentheses or used as an alternative word in the same text, to explain to laypeople what “fulfillment center” or “fulfillment center” actually is. house of fulfillment”.

ESL ( ) offers Fulfillment Italy and Fulfillment Europe services of great quality and success.


External or internal

Some companies, like Amazon, have their own fulfillment centers , while many smaller e-commerce companies outsource warehousing , picking, packing, and shipping tasks to outside logistics companies . These external fulfillment companies are known as third-party logistics providers (3PLs). Many larger companies with their own fulfillment centers also handle warehousing and shipping for other sellers. Amazon itself is an example of this, offering to handle warehousing and order fulfillment for third-party sellers.

Another very early example was Fingerhut, which expanded its fulfillment center in the 1990s to take on logistics services for other companies, including the company that eventually acquired Fingerhut: Federated Department Stores.[


Full Outsourcing

What does Full Outsourcing mean?

The term outsourcing indicates the outsourcing of some parts of the production process or support or sales processes.
Following the design and management phases of an e -commerce requires time and specific knowledge. In some cases, starting full outsourcing management can therefore prove very effective for a client .

The full outsourcing solution consists in entrusting the management of many or all operations to an external company .

The services offered by ESL are many:

The advantages of entrusting the management of B2B e-commerce logistics and B2C e-commerce logistics to a team of expert professionals are numerous: for example, reducing set-up costs, optimizing operational activities, reducing staff, using the latest technologies generation.


TAGS: B2B e-commerce fulfillment , B2B e-commerce fulfillment , B2C e-commerce fulfillment , B2C e-commerce fulfillment , Logistics outsourcing , full outsourcing , Italian supply chain

eCommerce Logistics Market 2024

eCommerce Logistics Market 2024: Key Insights

  • Market Growth: The global eCommerce logistics market is experiencing robust growth, expected to increase from $400 billion in 2020 to $837 billion by 2026, despite challenges such as the recent pandemic.
  • Consumer preferences: Research shows that online shoppers around the world prioritize faster deliveries (48%), convenient shipping (43%), and accurate delivery time information (39%).
  • Returns: The UAE is a leader in product returns, with 40% of online orders sent back. European shoppers strongly prefer clear, free and simple return policies. Additionally, the global trend towards using order lockers is growing, although acceptance varies from country to country.
  • Impact of the Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected e-commerce logistics, resulting in labor shortages, increased customer expectations for faster deliveries, higher order volumes and more complex order fulfillment. This has shifted demand patterns towards services such as last mile delivery and on-demand options, with Sub-Saharan Africa surprisingly leading the market growth in 2020.

Have you ever thought about the journey of the package you enthusiastically open from your favorite online store? What’s behind the carefully planned route, speed and timely (or sometimes not so timely) arrival at your home?

Now multiply that by billions of packages shipped around the world. The vast global eCommerce logistics market manages this complex dance of goods and services. Between 2020 and 2021, the market experienced an increase in revenue of $80 billion and continues to grow.

eCommerce logistics market: growth continues

The global eCommerce logistics market has shown a significant growth trajectory in recent years. Let’s take a closer look:

  • According to data compiled by Statista, Transport Intelligence and PortCalls Asia, the market was worth $400 billion in 2020.
  • By the following year its value had increased by $80 billion, reaching a value of nearly $480 billion.
  • Forecasts for 2023 point to a continuation of this trend, with the market expected to reach nearly $600 billion.
  • By 2026, it is expected to increase further to a staggering $837.2 billion.
  • The global landscape offers a comprehensive overview of the trajectory of the eCommerce logistics market. However, focusing on specific regions, such as Europe, reveals more nuanced insights.
  • FYI: We regularly update our rankings with the latest data from our models, providing valuable insights to help you improve your business. Which stores and companies are leaders in eCommerce? Which categories are they driving bestsellers and high sales? Find out for yourself in our rankings for companies , shops and markets . Stay one step ahead of the market with ECDB.
  • European e-commerce logistics market:
    a closer look
  • The parcel market in Europe, as detailed by data from the European Postal Services Regulatory Group (ERGP), has shown a distinct trajectory over the years.
  • The annual turnover in 2015 amounted to 31.29 billion euros. While the overall trend has shifted toward growth, specific downturns have occurred, particularly in 2017 and 2018, when the market experienced reductions in annual revenue. However, the market recovered and in 2021 revenues rose to €62.63 billion.
  • Having traced the trajectory of market development both globally and in Europe, we now focus our attention on the consumer-centric dynamics that define the eCommerce landscape.

Speed is the consumer’s top priority

According to the results of a global survey of consumers who shop online at least once a month, published by Wunderman Thompson Commerce:

  • Nearly half (48%) believe products should be delivered faster, underlining the importance of speed in the delivery process.
  • The cost of delivery is another significant concern, with 43% feeling the price paid for shipping is too high, indicating a desire for more convenient, if not free, delivery options.
  • Additionally, 39% of these global shoppers want more accurate information on delivery times, signaling the importance of predictability and transparency in the online shopping experience.
  • Delivery speed and costs play a vital role in shaping consumer preferences around the world. However, delving into regional nuances presents different emphases on these factors. For example, consider the distinct preferences emerging from places like Israel versus broader trends.
  • In a 2021 survey conducted by Outbrain, approximately 50-53% of respondents from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and the European Union highlighted the importance of delivery speed in online purchases, with 38-43% saying they underlined the attractiveness of free or discounted offers. shipping. Only a small portion (7-10%) in these regions believe that neither factor influenced their purchasing decisions.
  • Online shopping in UAE: 40% is returned
  • While the speed and cost of delivery are undoubtedly crucial, another significant aspect of the e-commerce experience is the returns policy. Wunderman Thompson Commerce data reveals the countries where online shoppers are most likely to return their purchases.
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) tops the list with a significant 40% of online orders returned. Following closely, India has a rate of return of 37%. Thailand is no different, with 34% of online purchases returning. Meanwhile, in Europe, the Netherlands sees 26% of its online orders returned. The United States, a major e-commerce market, has a return rate of 25%.
  • A clear returns policy helps a lot
  • The phenomenon of product returns is not just about statistics; it is intrinsically linked to buyer sentiments and the policies that govern these returns. European shoppers, in particular, have expressed clear concerns about returns procedures.

2022 survey conducted by DPD and Geopost , the European e-shopper landscape revealed ongoing concerns about online returns policies:

  • Overall, 78% of respondents across Europe find tedious returns processes daunting.
  • Additionally, 75% didn’t like the idea of covering return costs, and a substantial 88% highlighted the need for clear return policies up front.
  • Drilling deeper into specific countries: In France, 90% of citizens are hesitant due to unclear return policies and 85% are discouraged by complex return procedures. About 69% were reluctant, fearing return costs.
  • Germany and Spain share this sentiment, with around 75% discouraged by complex returns and more than 70% worried about the potential costs.
  • Italy and the UK reflect these concerns, with figures ranging between 75 and 88% on these barriers.

European shoppers: 95% want to return products to a consignment shop or retail store

As we continue to explore the European e-shopper landscape, it is critical to determine consumers’ primary desires regarding the returns process. In another 2022 survey conducted by DPD and Geopost , European online shoppers outlined their returns preferences.

The majority, about 95%, are in favor of allowing returns to be dropped off at package stores or retailer stores. Equally popular was the need for transparent return costs and a clear returns policy, with approvals around 94% and 89% respectively. The ability to collect items from home was also important for many, with an average of 90%.

“Free returns”, however, have attracted varied interest across countries: the UK leads with 76%, followed by France (74%), Germany (71%), Italy (69%) and Spain (66%). %). This suggests that, although most return criteria are almost universally desired, attitudes towards free returns show notable differences among European shoppers.

Another emerging trend in the eCommerce logistics industry is the growing reliance on lockers for order collection. But how widespread is this preference?

Smart lockers: Benelux is not a fan

Based on data from Parcel Monitor, the global use of parcel lockers for picking up online purchases saw significant growth between 2018 and 2020.

In 2018, only 10% of online shoppers chose to collect their orders using parcel lockers. This figure saw a slight increase in 2019, with 12% opting for locker collection. However, 2020 marked a substantial surge, as 39% of online purchases were collected via locker, indicating a rapidly growing preference for this method of order collection among consumers around the world.

The growth in the use of parcel lockers shows a changing dynamic in delivery preferences. However, not everyone agrees with this method. In a 2022 survey conducted by SendCloud and Nielsen, consumers’ willingness to use smart lockers for out-of-home (OOH) deliveries varied significantly by country:

  • The Netherlands shows the highest reluctance, with 58% of respondents saying they are not willing to use such services.
  • This sentiment is echoed in Belgium (54%) and France (52%).
  • In Austria and Germany the figures are slightly lower, with 47% and 46% respectively expressing their reluctance.
  • The UK, Spain and the US show greater acceptance, but still have significant portions that resist the idea, with figures of 42%, 40% and 35% respectively.
  • Italy is the most open to the concept among the countries surveyed, with only 29% of respondents showing an aversion to using smart lockers for OOH deliveries.

COVID-19: Labor shortages and complexity of e-commerce orders

For better context, let’s take a look at the impact of COVID-19 on the e-commerce logistics market and how the industry has recovered from the difficulties created by the pandemic.

In a survey published by the Swiss company Kardex, several challenges emerged regarding the impact of COVID-19 on order management processes. Top issues included labor shortages (40.2%), growing customer expectations for fast deliveries (35.9%), an increase in e-commerce order volume (35%), and the need to fulfill more orders quickly and conveniently (34.2%).

Other responses highlighted concerns related to order accuracy, physical space constraints, multiple order fulfillment channels, complexity of order management, visibility, return order management, and a global view of orders and fulfillment. ‘inventory. Interestingly, 8.5% of respondents said they were not affected by the challenges listed.

What has the pandemic changed in e-commerce logistics?

While the challenges posed by COVID-19 have been multiple, they have also led to changes in demand patterns in the logistics sector.

According to data collected by DHL, Transport Intelligence and estimates provided by Statista, the group was led by the last mile service of eCommerce, often defined as the final phase of the delivery process from a distribution center or facility to end user, who suffered a demand of 21%. This was followed closely by eCommerce fulfillment, recording 18% demand.

The urgency of online shopping was further underlined by the 16% demand for on-demand/instant delivery e-commerce services. In grocery, last-mile in-store distribution was sought after, with 11% demand, and the traditional grocery distribution center was not far behind, with 10%.

Services such as click and collect from stores, returns or reverse logistics and distribution to high street stores have also seen notable demand.

E-commerce logistics growth: Sub-Saharan Africa leads in 2020

To top it off, we will look at the growth of the e-commerce logistics market in different regions for the year 2020, which reveals a surprising surge in Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to Transport Intelligence , sub-Saharan Africa tops the list with a year-on-year change of 36.3%, making it the fastest growing region in this sector. This impressive growth rate is particularly noteworthy because sub-Saharan Africa is not often the center of conversations in e-commerce circles, despite its obvious potential.

Following closely, South America saw a 34.8% increase, while North America, a significant player in the eCommerce space, saw a 33.9% increase. The Middle East and North Africa were not far behind, recording a growth rate of 30.4%. Europe, another major eCommerce market, saw its logistics market grow by 26.5%. Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region, home to some of the largest e-commerce giants, recorded a growth rate of 22%.